After driving for about 20 more minutes, we pull into a parking lot at a park. "How come I'm just now finding out about this, it's pretty close to me." I said more to myself than him.

"It's typically advertised through their social media accounts, so you probably just haven't seen it online." Kostas said after opening my door. 

We made our way towards the park. There was a big sign with the words Harvest Festival written on it. From here I could see people playing carnival games that seem to have fall themes to them. There's also a section where people are getting their face painted and a section where there's a wooden barrel that seems to be filled with apple cider judging from the cups in people's hands. I also noticed the snacks they were handing out as well.

There were children running around screaming and playing at the park that was towards the side. To my left, I saw a hay ride with two horses pulling the wagon.

At first I thought it was a little weird that this was hosted in the middle of November, because typically harvest festivals are in October. Knowing the reasoning behind this, it all makes sense.

"Oh, I have to warn you." I heard Kostas say, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"What is it?" I asked. He cleared his throat. He better not be coming down with something.

"Remember the man you met at the Halloween party? In the Poseidon costume I believe." He said. I nodded, yeah I remember him, still don't know his name though.
"Yeah."  I simply replied.
"Well, he's hosting this event and I wanted to let you know that we may or may not see Andrea here, I'm not sure if they're a thing, but it seems like that cake could've been for this event.  I just wanted to warn you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He said and I saw his ears getting a little red.

"You're fine, I may not like her for what she did to you, but that doesn't mean I can't be in the same area as her. I'll be fine as long as you're fine." I told him and he sighed in relief.

"I didn't want to come here. I typically come for a little bit just to show my face and leave, but I figured doing something like this would be fun for you, so that's why I wanted you to come. I just didn't plan for her to possibly show up." He told me.

"Well I don't see her, out of sight, out of mind. Let's have some fun." I told him and interlocked our hands as we made our way to the admission table. Kostas paid for our wristbands and we were able to join the festivities.

We were here for about half an hour. So far everything was going fine and we haven't seen Andrea or Poseidon guy, surprisingly, since this is his event. I made Kostas get his face painted with me. I got a sunflower on my cheek and Kostas got a pumpkin. The orange paint complimented the brown jacket he was wearing.

"Can we get on the hay ride?" I asked him excitedly, the last time I've been on one had to be when I was in elementary school. He nodded and before we could make our way over to the line, we heard a microphone go off. Looking towards the area with a backdrop and rope separating from the chairs in front of it, I saw Poseidon guy in front of the microphone, I guess he's about to make a speech.

"Let's see what he has to say first." Kostas said and we walked towards the stage and sat down with the rest of the crowd.

"Hello everyone. Thank you all for coming. My name is Sebastian Garcia and I am the host of this lovely event. This year has been another successful one thanks to all of you." He then went on the explain the purpose of this event.

"I also want to thank Kostas Artino, for helping make this event happen. Without his generous donations, we wouldn't have most of these festivities. So let's give a round of applause to him!" He said and everyone clapped.

I was pleasantly surprised with that information and clapped along with everyone else and looked towards Kostas who just gave a small smile and waved to the crowd who was looking at him.

"One last thing before you go, to celebrate the 5th year anniversary of this event, we had a cake specially made." He said and gestured to the person wheeling the cake over to the platform. People gasped when they got a good look at the cake. I sat there proudly watching people appreciate the work we did at the bakery. A lot of people had their phones out, taking pictures of the cake. This reminded me of something from Cake Boss when they do the grand reveal at the end.

Someone came over with a knife and began cutting cake slices. People lined up to get a slice of the cake and soon enough, many people stood around eating the cake and talking amongst each other.

"Seems like your cake was a hit baby." Kostas said with a smile on his face. "Well, it wasn't all me, I definitely had some help." I told him smiling. Before he could reply, I heard Kostas's name being called. We turned to see blondie standing beside Sebastian who greeted Kostas and I. They began to talk about the event.

"Didn't expect to see you here." She said to Kostas, contributing nothing to the conversation. Yeah well he's here every year so...

Kostas ignored her, and I can tell it pissed her off. She then turned to me. "Scarlet, kind of hard to recognize you without all of the flour." She said in a condescending tone. I mimicked her tone, "It's Violet, Ashley."
"Andrea." She frowned.
"Hm, well we have to go, have the day you deserve, nice meeting you again Sebastian." I said with a smile.

I grabbed Kostas's hand and walked away. "I love how passive aggressive you can be." He said and kissed my temple. I smiled at him. "I guess we can leave now." I told him. He looked at me surprised. "I thought you wanted to go on the hay ride?" He asked. "I figured you were ready to go after seeing what's her face." I told him with a shrug.

"You said it yourself, out of sight, out of mind. I know you wanted to go on that ride, so let's make it the last thing we do and then leave hm?" He said and I nodded. We walked towards the line for the hay ride and it wasn't long before we were able to get on. It was a lot of fun.

We left the ride and made our way back to the car. He held my hand the rest of the way to my place. I looked at the rings on his fingers, he never seems to be without them. I make a mental note to ask about them later. I wonder if they have some kind of meaning or if it's just for fashion.

We eventually made it to the apartment and he walked me to the door.
"Wanna stay here for a bit?" I asked him and he nodded, walking in with me. We take off our shoes and I took him to the dining area near our kitchen. "I'm hungry, what about you?" I asked him, last time I ate was this morning.

"I could eat." He said bringing me down into his lap. I couldn't contain my smile as he kissed me. "Don't start something you can't finish." I told him softly. He rubbed my sides, "Oh I have every intention to finish it, when the time is right." He said making me raise my brows.

"And when is the time right?" I asked him boldly. I want to see where his mind is when it comes to us getting intimate.
"Whenever you're ready."
"Hm is that so? Well, how would you feel if I said we should get tested first?" I asked him.

This would really tell me how he feels and it could be a deal breaker depending on his answer.


Long chapter this time.

Updates may become more sporadic after this chapter. I'll do my best to stick to my regular upload schedule though.

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