1. I'm New Actually. (edited)

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January 2017

I took the box cutter and ripped open one of the last boxes left in my room. It had been a long two weeks but and even longer three days. In the last five years this had to have been the sixth move we have gone through for Dad's job. It was always the question of where we would go next. We just had happened to land right here in Idaho, a state not many people seem to know about. Flying in didn't seem to interesting in the first place, but that's just me being biased, I was just upset we had to leave the only place we were ever really settled.

I had finally considered Wisconsin my home, and then Dad got that dreaded call. So then it was the usual routine of packing everything up and shipping off. Usually it wasn't till a couple days before actually leaving where we would know for sure our new destination. Dad was the one who liked to handle the travel dealings so we didn't need to worry. Except with 6 children in the house I'm sure it's not as easy as it used to be. My oldest brother stayed behind for school so for him he just had to get settled into a place a couple minutes away with one of his friends.

He was lucky to get out of this one.

Me on the other hand. I probably have at least one of these left in my future. Dad is a part of an advertising firm and they wanted closer to hq for a little while. There is nothing left I can do though now I have to make best with the rest of this situation. I'm more nervous because I have to start at a new school tomorrow halfway through the senior year. I would like to imagine that this is not the best time of year to be starting at a new school. I was taking each day one step at a time though, and I was starting my unpacking this stupid last box full of books. I picked up a few books when my Mom knocked on my bedroom door that was already sat open.

"Hey kiddo, how's everything going in here?" Mom had already gotten comfortable in some pajamas for the evening, but she still had a box cutter with her and some of my brother clothes over shoulder that probably needed washing.

"It's fine this is actually my last box, if you want to break down some I have a bunch piled up," I proceeded to point to a corner of my room where i piled up the last of my boxes, "this is my last box for my stuff though."

"Alright," She leaned against the door frame, "how are you doing though?"

"I'm fine mom, I promise."

"I know, I just know that starting a new school especially during your senior year can be a bit difficult. I know we kind of sprung this move on you guys a little suddenly." She began to collect some of my boxes in my room and began to break some of them down.

I love my mom but I really don't want her to worry about me, I'll be fine.

"Mom, I've done this before." I stopped what I was doing for a moment to look at her, "Yeah, like it sucked because I thought I could finish the year out but it's okay. I promise, I just gotta get to school tomorrow and get through the first day. That's all I need to do. If anything goes wrong you will be the first one I tell mom."

"You promise." She gave me a scary look.

"Yes mom."


The next morning I had the dubious task of driving my twin brother and sister to our first day at our new high school. It was already hard enough for me to get out of bed and get ready but try to wrangle two idiots and get them into the car. It's a not a fun task and don't ever be tempted to try it. They fought the whole time up until we got in the car and they both put in their headphones and shut up for once. They have been playing on their phones for the whole car ride.

I had to looked it up online to make sure I had the right place and I made sure I saved it to my maps app. When we actually arrived the high school was absolutely huge, it was one of the most modern styled buildings I had ever seen. It had big windows everywhere and was very square and had a giant front lounge yard area. It's like this school was sculpted for only the rich and famous. It seemed almost like an academy for students who only studied pretentious art majors, but the catch was the parking lot looked like a goddamn nightmare. The line was at least a good twenty minutes long.

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