"Why should I risk my men and my family to rescue a hamlet that seems doomed regardless?" He inquired. I didn't even need to consider my answer here.

"We are sworn as knights to protect the people of Ashfeld, to serve as shields to all its lands and kingdoms. I would call on you to fulfill those oaths." I declared. The jeering only grew louder as I spoke, even the Conquerors seemed to shout insults. Was the idea so ridiculous? Why were they so against it? Jotham raised a hand, and the yelling died down though I could still hear scattered muttering of disapproval.

"Perhaps you are unaware. These oaths you speak of were upheld by the Iron Legion.  A legion, mind you, that has long since abandoned their principles, and fallen into ruin. What the Iron Legion stood for is nothing more than hollow echoes, a dim reminder of what has been cast aside." He argued. Beside me, Stone cracked his neck and breathed deeply, likely trying to contain his fury. I realized now that words and promises would only reach so far, they needed something more. I suppose now was the best time to reveal myself...

"That may be true. But it does not mean it cannot rise again, with its principles restored!" I nearly yelled, reaching towards my armor. With one pull of a small chain around my neck, I freed the pendant Stone had given me, and held aloft the Iron Legion's symbol.

"Let me stand before you now not as a Warden of no colors, but as Lord Warden of the Iron Legion reborn!" I declared, all at once the yelling and the jeering began anew. This time many of the attending stood or stepped closer, yelling out accusations of treachery and deceit. Only Stone remained calm, standing beside me and placing a hand to his chest.

"Let me stand beside him, second to the Lord Warden!" He shouted. How grateful I felt to have him standing by me at that moment. If I had been alone, I'm not sure I could have done this, but with Stone by my side and reaffirming me, it gave me confidence. Feeling invigorated, I took a few steps forward, keeping my pendant aloft as the guards moved forward, but were held back when Jotham again raised an arm.

"Master Jotham, lord of Castle Nov Domas, I ask you to stand with us. March with us to defend Herongale. Restore the honor of a once great legion, and give the people of Ashfeld reason to look up to us once more!" I proclaimed. The jeers had died down by this point, though the guards held their weapons ready, their shields gripped tightly. For a time, there was no response to my call, as Jotham folded his hands together in thought. After a minute of contemplation, he raised his head again.

"I cannot send my fellow warriors into a battle they are unprepared for with no foreseeable gain. Your aspirations are noble, Lord Warden. But they are horribly misguided." I'm not sure how best to describe the loss of all feelings that entombed me in those words. It wasn't emptiness, for I did feel a sensation akin to sinking, it was more like I simply lost something. My heart fell, and with it my confidence. Jotham stood, and I lowered my arm.

"I release you, Warden. I will not hold a Warlord that has done no harm. Nor will I indulge the dreams of the imprudent. You have until nightfall to gather your bearings." He said. Imprudent? Misguided? Was I really so careless? Surely my goals weren't that absurd... were they? Stone seemed to lose himself beside me, clenching his fist tightly before taking several steps forward, the guards raising their weapons in response.

"Are you all so terrified of Blackstone that you'd hide away while innocent lives burned? So gutless that you'd stand by and do nothing?" He shouted. Jotham turned his gaze from me to him, and I slowly turned to my friend.

"I am extending grace to you and yours, Conqueror. If you were wise, you would take it." Jotham's words were cold, and harsh. I almost felt numb, taking them in. Stone, it would seem, did not share those feelings.

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