Start from the beginning

She wrote his orders down with a smile and looked back at us, expecting us to state our orders as well.

"Oh, he already ordered water for all of us." I said, not really sure what Jomafu intended on doing with the water.

She nodded her head and walked away. "Jomafu what are you going to do with four bottles of water?" I asked.

"I bought it for all of you na. You don't know this restaurant. It's either you buy something or you leave." He said, rolling his eyes.

I turned my head and returned to my position as I continued to think of a plan to help free Evan.

He's a strong guy, hopefully he hasn't fallen unconscious as a result of lack of food and water.

Soon enough, I had began to come up with something.

"Sharon, is your dad going to be at home tomorrow?" I asked.

"Umm, yes, but I don't think it's very advisable to come over to my house when he's at home.". She said.

I didn't say anything, but smiled instead in high hopes that my plan might actually work.

"Guys." I smiled. "I have a plan.".


I could see the smile on Sharon's face as I walked into the classroom. I smiled back and waved back at her as she waved at me.

I looked away as I got nearer to my seat, and immediately, I locked eyes with menacing black orbs.

Nnadzwa gave me a warm, friendly smile, but the glare she sent my way, boring holes into me, and penetrating every single feeling of anger and hatred deep into my very soul as her eyes slightly reddened showed nothing close to the word 'friendly'.

Oh yeah! My life is still at risk.

I could feel a huge lump in my throat, and I gave a big gulp as I pulled my eyes away from Nnadzwa's intense glare.

I finally got to my seat and sat down as Sara wrapped her arms around mine and pulled me towards her.

She squealed loudly and tightened our arms. "Today's my birthday!" She said.

And that was the first time ever I had heard her speak so loudly.

"Wow, that's wonderful. Happy birthday." I cheered.

"Thank yo—".

"Hi Ejiro." Hugo said, walking towards my seat. "Hi Sara.".

I furrowed my brows at him, and I knew Sara and I were thinking the same thing.

What the heck was he doing here?!

"Hi." We said in unison.

"Umm, Sara, I heard it was your birthday today." He said as Sara raised a brow at him in confusion.

I did too as I tried to come up with a reason he might care about a person's birthday.

"So, I got you this." He said as he brought his hand up from under the desk and revealed and little red box.

I watched as he opened the box, revealing a silver heart shaped pendant while Sara raised both brows in suprise.

"Are you gonna put it on now or...?" He trailed off as he shyly rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lower lip staring at Sara.

Oh wow! This can't be what I'm thinking!

Feeling like a third wheel, I silently stood up and walked away, heading to Sharon's seat.

The Boy In Her DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now