the truth about the mixtape

Start from the beginning

I like you.

The third time he heard her confess his heart fluttered a little but then he decided to measure up and act like he doesnt care about it.

You make me happy on days of dispair and depression. On days I feel down and hopeless. I like you a lot.

That was kinda cute but he was trying to push away all these feelings and focus on whats really going on behind this tape.

I like how you give me random glances on the hallway yet you dont know who I am. I like the way your curly hair gets blown by the wind. Or the random smiles you give when you entered the classroom.

As soon as he heard that he automatically remembered all of the times they accidentally locked eyes through the school year. They were all accidents yet he could remember some of those tiny interaction. He always wondered whats up with these glances but now everything made sense to him.

I like you Chwe Vernon. 

And now he was sure. This tape belongs to him. Then why was it in Hao's stuff. Why did he have it. Thoughts like that couldn't help him sleep. He was struggling most of the night only because he was searching for answer until all the pieces fell into place and he never felt more betrayed by a friend in his life. That feeling hurt him deep down and he was not gonna let it pass that easily.


Tomorrow morning: 

Hao ran inside the class only to find all of his friends talking. He sat at a random seat close to them only because he noticed Bong Cha was not there yet. "Hey guys..." He greeted them and everyone showed a reaction apart from Vernon who was busy on his phone. 

They started talking about random things and laugh but Hansol still was not paying attention to  anything they were saying. 

Why is that? 

Hao decided to approach him with a smile and try to make him join the conversation. "Hey, You okay?" He whispered at first. Hansol slowly lifted his chin, locked eyes with Hao and let a moment of silence pass. 

"Mmhm..." He mumbled and continued playing games on his phone like his friends didn't matter at this point. "Whats wrong, come on? is there something wrong?" The poor boy insisted only because he wanted to help. 

"Its none of your business..." He rudely said and then turned to whisper something at Wonwoo. Hao was sitting there quite confused of what his problem is. Last night he seemed fine when he was at his house. Did something happen? 

Then he noticed Kwan entering the classroom and passing by their table. All of the guys greeted him but Hao who was way more cool towards him he decided to ask about Bong Cha. "Hey! Um... Where is Bong Bong?" He had that fake smile on as he was still perplexed about Vernon's behaviour.

"She is sick... She wont make it today..." He announced for the whole group to hear. Everyone seemed worried apart from Vernon who still seemed expressionless and busy on the device. "Sit with us today, You dont have to sit al-" Hao was about to propose but someone interrupted him.

"I'll sit with you..." Hansol got up from his seat and approached the charming boy. Kwan smiled at how polite Vernon was. "Oh Thanks!" He bowed and they both approached the back seats where Kwan usually sits.

Hao was staring at these two getting there'd still couldnt udrestand whats wrong with Vernon today. "Whats with that face?" Jun whispered to Hao's ear. "I am not sure yet..." He whispered back and turned to his front as soon as the teacher walked in. 

Long story short, Hao was discreetly turning his head to look at these two laughing in the middle of the class. He even started spotting them together, on lunch, on the yard and even in the parking lots when they were about to leave. 

Did they really become so close? 

"You seem a little hurt, Whats up?" Jun also came to the parking lot to find had but the man was still like a riddle. "I told you I am not sure yet..." He whispered and approached his car. "Where are you going?" 

"To bong cha..." He announced. 

"Can I come?" 

"No..." But before he even retorts Jun took advantage of the unlocked car and invaded in without even the permission he asked for. "And now he is in my car..." He decided to enter as well. Right before he starts the engine they had a small conversation about whats gotten into him yet Hao was not willing to let anyone know yet. He wanted to be sure before he opens up about it. 

Then he started the engine on and decided to go to cha without even talking to Jun for the time being. He actually found no parking near so he decided to park some blocks away and walk there, with Jun following him like a lost puppy. 

"You should have bring her something... like a soup... She is sick..." 

"Bong Cha doesnt like soup-" He was about to say but then spotted Bong Cha from afar, standing on her door frame and talking to someone. His back was so familiar he recognised him right away. 

"Is that Vernon?" Jun asked before Hao admits to himself what he just saw. He also noticed he was holding a small back that was saying Wendy's soup. He felt like a complete idiot at this point. "What is he doing here with a soup?" Jun asked. 

"Jun Can you shut up..." He said so expressionless. He noticed how happy the girl was to see Vernon. Would she be so happy to see him? So many doubts, so many bad thoughts... he didn't know what was true or faulse. 

"Jun can you wait for me in the car?"


"Car... Now..." He gave him his keys. Now junk new he had no other option than listen to him. he made his way to the car while Hao made the way to the house. Should he ring? Should he stay away? If he goes in will that show that he doest trust her? Does he trust her? 

Without even thinking about it more he just pressed on the bell and gulped. When he was not expecting Vernon opened the door. 

So now he is opening her door, Huh? 


"Hey Hao!" He had the most fake smile of a traitor in the world but only these two could ever know. No one else.... Bong Cha then approached her door and her smile expanded. "Heyyy... You are here... Come in!" 

The girl invited him in to even feeling that something was entirely wrong in the vibe. She didn't know anything about their relationship. She still believed they were friends so she didn't think it would cause a damage to spend the afternoon with these two.

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