Chapter 2: The Apprenticeship

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The 3 Yamanaka children nervously walked up to the front doors of the academy. Today was the day they would be put onto teams. For Matsuki, the academy helped her create a strong bond with Genji. The green-eyed boy became a stable in her life, the two would often work on homework together. After dropping Ino off at home they also practiced ninja training together, being that they were in the same class.

Genji's dream was to become a great sensory ninja that is valued on his team. He also wanted to have a strong skillset in taijutsu. Genji was always a bit of a troublemaker and eventually came protective over Matsuki.

Over her years at the academy Matsuki often trained to become a valued member of the Yamanaka clan, working on her mind transfer Jutsu, and practicing with Genji after school. She wasn't completely sure about what kind of Kunoichi she wanted to be, but she knew she wanted to be strong for her clan and her village.

"That Sukura better not get onto a team with my Sasuke-kun!"
"Ino don't say stuff like that you'll jinx it!"
Genji giggled at the girls, he wondered what teams they would be put on. He also secretly hoped to be put on Matsuki's team, he wanted to watch over and protect her.

Matsuki watched as teams left with their senseis. Genji was eyeing his academy sensei and Matsuki as she walked up to his desk. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay to find out why Matsuki wasn't called for a team because his new sensei arrived.

"Sensei why wasn't I called for a team?" Matsuki was confused and a tad bit upset.
"Ahhh don't you worry Matsuki someone will be here shortly for you."

Matsuki was now extremely confused 'Who would come for me? Is this another test?' she thought to herself but was interrupted when someone opened her classroom door.

"Ojisan what are you doing here?" a surprised Matsuki looked at Inoichi. "Hi Suki, I have requested for you to not be on a team in trade for something else. I hope this is alright but I think you'll enjoy this a lot more." Inoichi tried to give Matsuki his warmest smile so she wouldn't panic. "I would like for you to become an apprentice, you'll still be training like the others, just in a different environment."

"An apprentice? For what?" Matsuki was open to the idea, and it didn't seem like she had much of a choice. "For the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force. Let's walk there now, they should be expecting you soon." Matsuki was surprised why would she be put into this?

As the two walked to the Torture and Interrogation Force building Inoichi thought about Matsuki's father. He was a wise man, who valued information and the truth. He wanted Matsuki to become powerful and a well-driven Kunoichi. Inoichi knew this would do it. He also knew having Matsuki become the next commanding officer would mean she'd be working safely within the walls of Konoha with Ino and he wanted nothing more than that.

"Matsuki this is Ibiki he is the commanding officer of this unit. Starting on from here, he will be your sensei." Matsuki bowed to Ibiki and introduced herself. Ibiki thanked her and told her to follow him. "Well Matsuki, we will start right away but before anything, I want to know what type of Kunoichi you plan to become." She thought of her answer and was pleased with her new sensei's patience. "I still have to give it thought but I know I want to become strong not only for my clan but for the village as well." Ibiki nodded "Very well, I will try to help you as much as I can. I have an interrogation soon, I'd like for you to watch. Take notes and have questions for when I am done."


Matsuki, Ino, and Genji all met up after meeting with their senseis. "Suki you will not believe it, I jinxed it! How could I do something so stupid!"
Matsuki giggled "At least you'll be on a strong team, I don't even have a team!"
Genji frowned "I can't believe you're on your own Matsuki. How was it? I heard Ibiki is scary."

"Well so far he's nice enough but when I watched him do an interrogation he was terrifying. I wonder if I'll get scary like that too. He was able to have the robber commit his crimes so easily. He gave me books to read, psychology mostly, said it would help me understand his tactics."

"Woww Suki you're gonna be so cool everyone will know about you!" Ino was impressed. She thought an apprenticeship sounded better than her team but still knew the importance of the Ino-Shika-Cho formation. Genji was worried, he didn't want anything happening to your happy demeanor but was sure nothing would change.

"Ibiki sensei how will I train here?" Matsuki was confused as to how this apprenticeship would work.

"Here in the building I will show you my tactics, how to get someone to talk, and the importance of pain. Once you understand these I will train you to endure pain physically, and mentally. I will train your emotions." Matsuki nodded at this "I will also train with you outside the building, when we do this it will be more traditional training. Similar to what your old peers are doing now."

"Today you will work outside for traditional training. I would like to work on your chakra control." Matsuki followed Ibiki outside and stopped at a large tree in the back of the interrogation building. "Your first lesson is to walk up this tree, focus your chakra on your feet. Once you get tired and need a break, finish up those books I gave you." Ibiki left her outside to go over some reports that had come in.

Matsuki looked up at the tree 'Focus the chakra at my feet.' She closed her eyes and focused on her chakra putting on foot on the tree, she felt it slide down too easily, there was no grip. So she added more chakra. Matsuki made it up the tree about 4 steps and jumped off. This was too much chakra. She tried again but couldn't get the right amount as much as she tried. Matsuki decided to take a break and finished up the book she started last night.

The book had correlations to how having a clear mind when starting a project was good. That you should look at your options and go from there. The power of not overthinking when a problem occurs. Matsuki tried to relate this to her training. She knew how much was too little and went straight to a larger amount. Matsuki decided to start back with the lower amount of chakra and slowly work her way up. Ibiki finished with reports and walked outside just in time to see his new apprentice walk up the entire tree. He saw how happy Matsuki's face was and smiled himself. "Now try to walk down." Matsuki did so, a little wobbly but she did it. Ibiki could tell she was tired and did not want to push her chakra reserves. "Let's go inside so you can rest. I have another interrogation today would you like to watch?"

Matsuki beamed not only did she learn a new skill, she was going to get to watch another interrogation. She knew her apprenticeship was different but if days went by like this she'd enjoy it a lot more than she thought.

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