After that, he ate something, brushed his teeth once again grabbed his back but when he opens the door to finally leave the house, his smile dropped into a frown and he took a step back. "What do you two want now?" He noticed Jun and Gyu behind the door frame.

"We need you to help us solve something..." 

"You can both turn around and Leave!!!!" He pointed at the horizon but these two were not willing to take a step further. "Hao pleaseeee..." Jun ran inside his house and Hao's jaw almost dropped. Then he turned to look at Gyu. The tall man just shrugged his shoulders. 

"Oh... By the way, that's yours..." He handed him the broken glasses and walked inside without a care on the world. Hao was just stnding down the door frame super perplexed pf what just happened. 

"Why me, god?" He whispered to himself and walked back inside, closing the door with the bag of his foot and throwing his bag to the floor. "Where are you, idiots?" He yelled in his attempt to find out where these two went. 

"Upstairs..." Jun yelled back. 


It was pretty late at night. Minghao didn't even find some extra minutes to at least call the sick girl. He felt terrible about it but each Time he was about to grab his phone Jun was fast enough to grasp it and continue talking about his problems. 

On the other hand, Bong Cha who happened to not feel well that day was forced to work on the chicken diner because they were in desperate need for help. It was their parents anniversary so the couple planned to spend the night together. 

Now, Bong Cha had no choice but stand behind the counter while Chan is taking away the orders. She also has to be the waiter for the place. Chan walked in and threw the bag on the counter quite exhausted.

"Oh My god... Can we change posts for... like... a while... I am a mess..." He was indeed sweating. The girl was not even slightly better than he was but when she saw him like that he hated it. "Y-Yeah sure..." With trembling legs she walked past the counter and got out. 

"Hey, Are you okay?" The man grabbed her in his attempt to scan her. 

"Yeah, I am good..." 

"You sure?" 


She grabbed the bag and delivered some extra orders close to their area. It took her a while to actually take care of any single delivery. It was late at night as soon as she returned from her last delivery, only to see Chan sleeping on the counter. Thank god the place was empty so they didn't disappoint a costumer. 

The girl already felt terrible because of her health but seeing Chan so worn out actually scarred her heart. She faked a smile and approached the counter. 

"H-Hey C-Chanie..." She caressed his shoulder. The boy slowly lifted his eyelashes only for his eyes to adjust. He recognised his sister right away so he was brought back to reality quickly. "Did I fall asleep? I am so sorry..." He apologised and lifted his head so he can properly see her. 

"Its okay, Go home to sleep..." She carresed him like she was not hurting inside at this point. She could act like she is fine so well nobody could tell. "But we have to clean the place..." He announced and got up. "Dont worry about it. I will do it. Go home and get some rest, okay?" She smiled. 

"Thank you. I own you..." He smiled and hugged her quickly. She was so weak she didn't have time to be surprised about this interaction. Before she even knows it Chan disappeared like smoke. Now she was alone to take care of the place. 

She returned from the kitchen with a broom, and started sweeping the floors, while attempting not to fall asleep. She was holding her tummy from time to time just to prevent an unpleasant incident of throwing up. 

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