CH:3- Don't call me that word!

Start from the beginning

"What happened to her?" Haseena mumbled, "Why does it matter, anyway?" She thought as she turned towards Pushpa Ji to inform her that it was getting late and they should be going back to the station.

Pushpa Ji paid for the treat, and all of them headed back to the station except Karishma who doesn't have any work at the station, so she moved toward her hostel.


It's been a few days since the official engagement of Zayan and Riya, and wedding preparations were going on in full swing. Pushpa Ji was under a lot of pressure as they have guests coming from all over India and she has to make arrangements for them. So, she requested Karishma to go with her to Zayan's house and discuss this with Salma Bi, to see, if she can help or suggest something in this matter, to which Karishma gladly agreed, before leaving for her traffic duty.

On the other hand, Haseena got some leads on the 'Child trafficking case', so without informing anyone at the station, she left to find that information in a civil dress, in order to avoid arising any suspicion.

"Where is she going?" Karishma saw Haseena's car cross the intersection, "at this hour," she looked at her watch—which was showing 6:00 PM. "Shouldn't she be going home?" She mumbled and thought of ignoring her, "Bhakk!" She threw her hand in the air frustratingly and the next moment, she was sitting on her bike and was following Haseena's car from a safe distance.

Haseena arrived at the address, it was a residential building, "Are they operating from here? Or, is this a setup?" She muttered, "I should be careful." She pressed the button for the elevator and started waiting for it.

Karishma reached the address a few minutes after Haseena and saw Haseena entering the elevator, she ran to catch up but ended up missing the elevator. However, she saw the elevator stopping on the 11th floor. "What is she doing there?" She pressed the button agitatedly this time, "It's a deserted floor." She pressed the button again, "shouldn't she inquire first where she is going?" She hit the button in frustration, once again.

"Beta, tumhare button bar bar dabne se elevator toh jaldi nahi a jaye gi," an elderly lady who was standing behind Karishma, spoke.

Karishma wanted to say something to her but after looking at the woman's age, she stood quietly. As soon as the elevator arrived, she entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 11th floor. In spite of being in the elevator, she couldn't stop fidgeting as she continued to pace in a limited space.

The woman looked at Karishma, "Are you okay, beta?"

"Ji aunty," That's all she mustered up.

The old woman didn't say anything and just got off on her floor. The elevator which was bustling a few minutes back became deserted as it reached the 11th floor. Karishma got off on her floor and started looking around for Haseena, the floor was still under construction and no civilian was allowed to go there. Even though she was on the floor but she couldn't see Haseena anywhere; she was wandering desperately, hoping, that nothing has happened to her. As she was looking around, she saw Haseena coming toward the elevator, busy in her own world. But before Haseena could reach the elevator, Karishma saw a figure throwing a knife in the air which was aiming at Haseena, and running away from there. But, before it could reach Haseena, Karishma pushed Haseena in another direction with full force and ended up losing their balance, as a result, both of them landed on the floor with Karishma on top of Haseena.

"What are you doing here?" Haseena asked with a mix of surprise and shock in her voice.

Karishma's eyes were scanning Haseena for any injuries but after finding her safe, she cleared her throat and with a mischievous grin, she uttered, "I can ask you the same."

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