Hero of The Oppressed

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In the school locker room, Damon is roaming to his vault when he sighted Charissa in the corridor. He paced to his locker to get some of his books, he strove to open the locker as his crush was heading in his direction. The banging and clanging noises Damon made from trying to open his locker got Charissa's attention, she dug her face from the book she had buried it in. She smiled at Damon, she remembers when Donut king was trying to crush him on the school bus on her first day of school.

"Hi," Damon muttered but Charissa just smiled in return and progressed to wherever she was going. Damon felt awkward and just said - 'Bye'.

Damon eventually opened his locker and got a physics trivia book that he uses to study with his best friend. The school buzzer alarms for the signal of lunchtime. He bolted his locker and proceeded to the school cafeteria.

"Sup D."

"Hey, Jordan."

Jordan is Damon's best friend, they are smart pairs that study and sometimes do fun kinds of stuff together, like playing Call of Duty on their Play Station, playing chess, and trivia games.
Damon sat beside him and opened his lunch, it was his mom's revolting meatloaf; well that's what he calls it at least. Jordan gestured to him by pointing his finger towards Damon's lunch then swerving his finger towards his lunch and shrugged his shoulder which a layman could translate into - 'We could switch our lunch, you know.'

"You don't have to do that," Damon said, reluctant to make the trade.

"C'mon man, you know I like your mom's meatloaf, you can have mine. I got pancakes, blueberries, honey, and a diet coke."

"Thank you, Jay, you're the best person I've known my whole life."

"I got you, my man. So you ever notice this girl is always staring at you?"

"What girl?"

"That ginger doll over there," Jordan whispered pointing towards a table with a group of girls. Damon's eyes followed Jordan's finger unto Charissa's eye and their eyes stuck. He quickly tossed his face away in another direction.

"Dude, that girl is beautiful, she's a transfer student from Dallas and I think her name is Charissa," Damon said in a low odd voice.

"You know her name already? Ah ah ah. Looks like you are crushing on her too."

"No, she's not my crush! I heard her telling Joan Johnson on the school bus."

"Uh. Keep lying to yourself," Jordan teased.

"I don't just know why I get so nervous when she's around."

"And that sums it up. You like her, man."

"I do?"

"Yeah, and stop acting like a third-grader. You're a grown man."

"Jay, I'm sixteen!"

"Who cares? You get the point. It's noticeable you have a crush on her. You should talk to her."

"I don't think I can. I never spoke to a girl before?"

"Why not? Dude, you're smart and girls love smart dudes. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"I don't think I'm good with words."

"C'mon man."

"Ok ok. I'll try."

"Try? Are you kidding?"

"I will Jay! I will! And stop pushing it."

"Aight, cool."

The two chaps ate their lunch and fled to their classroom. After the class periods ended Damon waited a few minutes to revise before packing his books and bag, when he ran to the locker to keep some books he gave attention to some sounds coming from the school stall close to the detention room. Damon pushed closer to get an apparent audition of the strange echoes from the stall, the echoes slowly morph into audible speeches.

"So you're the new kid, huh?"

"And she's a ginger. Ew!"

"You know what happens to new kids that don't know their path, don't you?"

"I don't want any trouble, I just came to return the class projector and my mom would be here soon to pick me up. Please, let me go," Charissa pleaded as she cower in fear close to the wall.

"Not yet! Hey guys, what should we do to her?"

"We should pee on her books."

"Let's cut her bag straps."

"Maybe we should beat her up."

"Hey! Let her go!" Damon snooped into their discussion.

"Stay out of this Damon, this is none of your business."

"You and your friends should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to pick on a new girl, Randy."

"Why do you care about her? Oh, you're crushing on her? Haha looks like Damon is in love with the ginger."

"Why don't you pick on someone your size?"

"And who's that? I could crush you in a second."

Damon tried to push Randy but he missed as Randy jerked his body to dodge his offense. Damon fell and the bullies laughed at him, he stood up to push Randy again but before he could do that, Randy's friend held him by his shoulders, Randy gave him the beating of his life, He got battered that his mouth was seeping with bleed, the bullies peed on him. The school janitor came to the stall checking around to ensure all students had vacated the school before locking the school doors. The bullies fled from the stall, and the janitor saw Damon bleeding and stenches of urine were all over him, the janitor picked him up and whisk him to emergency care.

"What happened here?" the janitor asked Charissa but she was excessively terrified to respond. Damon's sight starts to fade as his head drooped at the back of the janitor while staring at Charissa.

"Ran..." Damon tried to mumble the bullies' names before blacking out.

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