Ginger Crush

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It was the spring season of the year, most folks are happy winter is over. Damon, a teenager from Phoenix, AZ, is a tall, smart, handsome sixteen-year-old who is in his senior year in high school. He is a bit of a spoiled kid because he was the only child of his parents.

"Sweetie, I'm headed out, your lunch is on the dining table, and don't miss the school bus. Bye."

"Okay, mom."

Damon brushed his hair and hastened to the dining to fetch his lunch. He opened the lunchbox and instantly got disgusted.

"Ugh! Not meatloaf again. I hate mom's meatloaf. I'll rather take my leftover pizza."

[HONK!] [HONK!!]

"Oh no! The school bus is here."

Damon didn't have much time to go back to his room to get the leftover pizza from the previous night. He dashed out of the house like a gerbil being chased by a predator to the school bus.

"Good morning Sherman, you don't seem excited this morning," the bus driver asked Damon because he looked discontented as he entered the school bus."

"I'm okay Mr. Thompson, I didn't have enough time to pack my lunch."

"Oh... Sounds too bad for you. Hey, why don't you go get it fast?"

"Really? You're the best Mr. Thompson."

"Nope, that was a joke. Now move it, Sherman, we haven't got all day."


Damon's eyes browsed the bus to look for an available seat as he tramp through the bus. He found a seat near the bus window, he heaves a sigh as he sat.
A few moments later the school bus halted, honked and the doors unfolded. The bus driver welcomed another student which was
unexpected to Damon because of the unusual stop of the bus, he wasn't aware of any students in that neighborhood. The student stepped onto the bus, being a little nervous,  she went directly to the nearest vacant seat which was directly opposite Damon's seat.
Grey eyes, red silky hair, and a pleasingly shaped nose, Damon was proficient to detect these traits in the new student in a twinkle of time. His eyes glared as he gazed at her like he was seeing a slow-motion commercial for fast food. The school bus slowed down again to pick up another student as Damon kept staring at the new student.

"Joan Johnson in the house," a student informed on the arrival of the newly picked student, the announcement got every student's attention. A beautiful sassy black girl with curly hair walks in charming style, she is what you call a bully's bully. Joan walked to the new student's seat because she noticed she was a new face on the bus.

"Hi, I'm Joan Johnson, but you call me Jojo. I don't think I've seen you before on this bus."

"Charissa Cooper, Rissa for short. I'm a transfer student from Dallas. We just moved to Phoenix."

"I think I like you already," Joan said raising her brows as she grabs a seat beside Charissa.

The two girls chatted while Damon stares at them. The school bus halted furthermore to pick up another student but this time it was the chubby kid who no one wants to sit with. Damon surveyed the seats and it seems like the seat next to him was the only available one, the chubby kid used to sit alone but with Charissa's appearance, he had to sit with a student who is unfortunate to sit alone before the chubby kid arrives.

"Oh no! Not the DONUT KING!" Damon whispered. Yep, that's the chubby kid's nickname because of his addiction to donuts. Donut king took off to the only available seat next to Damon. He waved at Damon and Damon responded with anguish written all over his face, Damon looked like he was tied to a rail track waiting to be crushed by a train. Donut king flung himself to the seat squeezing the life out of Damon, crushing him against the bus window, Damon wheezed as he felt his life force trying to pop out of his head. Joan and Charissa giggled as they watched Damon grasp onto his life.

"You... are... crushing... me..." Damon murmured the words with each breath he took and the other kids just laughed at him.

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