After her death, I didn't know what to do. The earlier days were tough as I was struggling to keep myself alive. Slowly, I began to do small small work and tried to meet my ends. As I grew up, things began to get complicated and finally, I had to choose. As a result, I had to leave college and find a job for my living.

So here I was doing my duty as waiter, taking orders and cleaning tables. It's not that I hate this job but the owner of the place doesn't pay me well. Moreover, some of the customers are really troublesome, usually the ones who has the habit of groping.

We were approaching closing time and I was feeling a bit relieved. I had just seen an ad in the newspaper where they wanted a helper in a gift shop so I thought of going and checking it out. May be if I am lucky, I might even get the job.

I wrapped up everything and was preparing to leave when a group of five people walked in. Looking at them sent chills all over my body as they had those weird kind of expressions on their faces. The owner gestured me to take the order so I approached them. I was enveloped with fear as my feet took me to that table.

"What can I get for you sir?" I asked politely. "You!! Can we taste you?" one of them asked while flashing me a creepy smile. I felt a bit nervous and didn't know what to do. The next moment, One of them grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. The other fours were laughing out watching me struggle in the strong grip. I called out for the owner but he just ignored me. I knew that no one was going to come for my rescue so I did what I could, to get away.

The pen which I held in my hand became a weapon for me. I gripped it tightly and then stabbed it in the palm of the guy. He yelped in pain and let go off my hand. I didn't waste anymore time and made a run in the direction of the door. I dashed it open and hurried out caring less to hear the calls of the owner.

I don't care what they do with him, if he can't help me, I don't have to help him. Also returning back would mean inviting a danger over myself. I kept running till I reached the familiar lane. My house was just few blocks away now.

I stopped running and began to walk. I hadn't even realised that I was crying all this while. I finally reached in front of my house and I quickly wiped off the tears that were staining my face. 'It's alright... I will manage to get a new job soon.' I assured myself. I felt someone following me so I turned around to check if there was a stalker but the street was empty and there was no sign of anyone around. Must be I am hallucinating. I made my way to the door only to see my luggage being thrown out of the house.

I rushed towards the main door to see what was happening and found some people throwing my stuff out of my house. "What are you doing?" I asked while trying to stop them. "Emptying your room. You haven't paid the rent for 2 months. I even called you to ask you about when you are paying but you always have some or the other reasons. Now, either pay the money or leave." The landlord said in a stern voice.

"But I don't have money right now. Please give me some time." I pleaded. "No money, no house. Either pay the rent or walk out." The landlord replied. I tried to plead but everything went on deaf ears. Finally, I didn't have any other option then picking up my luggage and leaving the place.

Now I was jobless and homeless. It was already past midnight and there was no sign of anyone on the streets. I clutched onto my bag as I began to walk on the lonely streets crying out my pain. As if this was not enough, that it began to rain. The drizzle earlier turned into heavy downpour and I began to search for a shelter. How am I gonna survive? This was the only thought that was running in my mind.

I was feeling so tired and exhausted while running on the streets. I was trying to see if I could find a place and stop to shield myself from heavy downpour. After running for few minutes, I finally came across an abundant building. It won't be a problem if I stop here for a while.

I got inside and then leaned against the wall watching the rain. Everything changed in blink of an eye. I was completely soaked and drenching. My stomach grumbled with lack of food making me realise that I haven't eaten anything from afternoon. I had plan of having something from the nearby stall after work but then everything changed when those people walked into the restaurant.

I waited for more than 2 hours for the rain to subside. Finally, it stopped raining and I stepped out thinking of finding a place to live. I tried to call my friend asking for help but he said that he cannot help me since his parents will not allow. I tried calling another one who didn't pick up. Luck was not on my side.

I began to walk on the streets looking around and trying to find a place to stay. After roaming for another hour, I knew well that I didn't have any hope. May be I should wait till tomorrow. I will see if I could get the job at the gift shop.

I sat down on the bench and placed the bag beside me. I was feeling sleepy too. I leaned against the bench with my eyes fighting to stay open as my brain was slowly moving to get switched off. It had been quite sometime now and all I could hear was the sound of water drops falling from the trees and roofs.

I was dozing off when I heard some sound. I was shaken up from my sleepy state when a familiar voice greeted me from behind. "Hello beautiful..... I didn't know we would meet again." The man from the restaurant earlier said while approaching me.

I felt chills as I saw the other four tailing behind him. Why was god being so ruthless towards me? I got up immediately and grabbed my bag and began to run. But I was at disadvantage because they soon caught up with me. My bag was grabbed and pulled away from me and tossed aside. I can see them approaching me with lust filled eyes.

I made an attempt to run again but this time, I landed into greater trouble as they blocked me from all sides. I took a step back thinking of turning around and running away but to my disappointment; there was no place to run since my back hit the wall.

I tried to keep myself calm while looking for a loop hole. There was a slight gap between the two and I thought that if I was quick enough, I can by pass them. I took in deep breathe preparing myself for run.

As soon as I felt them getting relaxed, I bolted in the direction of the gap but my trick didn't work. I was grabbed by my shoulder and pinned to the wall. I began to wriggle trying to free myself. "No use trying to escape, there is no one around to save you." One of them said approaching close. "Leave me!! Leave me!! Please..." I begged, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

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