Pass the smarties

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Evangeline's POV

I hate drunk people. They are so annoying and get on my last nerves. Unfortunately Dee fits into that category too, she's one of those loud drunks with no filter.

"I want a tuna sandwich! No! I want a slice of pizza." Dee is practically shouting in my ear as i lift her out of the taxi and up to our apartment.

"How about a nice tall glass of water." 

"You have always been boring carrot tops." I roll my eyes at her snide remark and I am half tempted to drop her but I don't. What a great person I am.

We get up to the door and have to juggle Dee and unlock the door. By some miracle I managed to get us both inside but not quite to her room. She passed out on the sofa. I took off her heels and grabbed the necklaces and watch out of her pockets. I can't lie it was very successful tonight. 

Me:  heyyy rob I have some more goodies for you 💰 

Money giver💸:  hey E. great drop it buy the shop after your shift tomorrow.

Me:  great thankss!!

I placed the item inside of keep sake boxes and into my bag for tomorrow. Darcy is going to be so moody tomorrow but we have to get up extra early because we have a movie tradition. Darcy says that Fridays can't have all the fun so we watch a really old movie before our shift. I think my feet are going to fall off so I kick off my heels and walk to my room. I open my phone ready to numb my brain to sleep when I see the new contact in my phone. I fight the urge to text him thinking it's probably a bit too forward so I'll wait for morning.

The next morning

"Darcy!!" I look at my watch it's 6:00 am. "It's 6 we should start now or we won't get it finished!" I pour the last snack, smarties, into a bowl and place It onto the coffee table. I whipped up my famous hangover coffee and went into Dee's room to drag her out. "Come onnnn." I pull off her covers.

"I hate you" she said rubbing her eyes trying to figure out her surroundings.

"You love me. now, I've picked 3 films: mega mind, Pretty woman or the devil wears parada."

"Mega mind is out."

"Don't disrespect that film! it's a cinematic masterpiece"

"I think pretty woman is the right choice" 

"Okay I'll put it in the DVD player"

"You know I think we need to upgrade. How about buying a movie on sky cinema or something." I scoffed at her ridiculous remark.


"Fine, fine." She held her arms up and we walked towards the living room. I switched on pretty woman which we have probably watched a dozen times and we sat under the cover drinking my coffee recipe. 

"You made quite the scene last night with blue." I raised my eyebrow at her. 

"Yeah well he's the only person I wanted to make a scene with last night."

"Offended" what about me? Her dazzling best friend.

"You know what I mean Eve" she rolled her eyes and my heart kind of melted she hasn't really talked about any men in our chats like that. Maybe I'm over reacting but it's cute. "Don't look at me like that I have only just met the guy."

"Pass the smarties" I say pointing to the bowl. 

We watch the rest of the movie and I admire Julia Roberts' hair. It's just gorgeous. After the film we pack up and grab my keys to get ready to go to work. We work on the rich side of the city, or town as we like to call it. Gives it a more homely atmosphere. I chuck Dee my keys and we go to work. I'm dreading it but I hope this shift goes quickly.

We arrive and I sign into the cafe. The rush always gives me a sort of good feeling. It's 9am and I'm working till 5pm so I hope something eventful happens. Like once this dude came in wearing a full pink bodysuit and left in speedos. I love this city. 

It's around 12:09 now and I go on lunch at 1:45pm. I sneak out for some fresh air and scroll through my phone. I felt a pant of guilt as I remembered I hadn't thanked mafia man for helping me yesterday. I didn't want to come on too strong but still feel bad. I decide to text him.

Me: 'Thanks for the help yesterday we really appreciate it.'

Okay that's good. Not too formal but just enough for a stranger and not too personal. I put my phone back into my pocket and straight away I see a reply from him. 

Mafia man 🔫: 'no problem I mean it's probably one of the most eventful nights I've had in a while'

Maybe I'm thinking wayyy too into this but I think he enjoyed my company.

Me: 'Glad to be of assistance 😎'

Maybe the emoji was a bit too much but he's seen it now so I can't delete it. Oh my gosh why am I doing this to myself. I stuff my phone into my pocket and in the corner of my eye I can see golden blonde hair. Shit. 

"Who was that" Darcy said crossing her arms.

"I think you know who. I was just thanking him and..."

"Can you give him my number" what?

"Uhhhh I think you're forgetting I have dibs on him."

"Not like that! To give to his brother. I kinda wanna see him again..." she whipped her hair round and went straight back inside. The things I do for her.

Me: 'oh and by the way Darcy is begging me to give you her number to give to Ben so here it is [xxxxxxxxxxx].'

Mafia man 🔫: 'I'm sure he'll be jumping for joy. I'll forward it to him now.'

I'm pretty sure he has the quickest replies. My stomach is rumbling and I have to walk the dogs soon. It's just a side thing I mainly do it as a favour for Mrs. Jen because she refuses not to pay me. She has 4 little white crusty dogs which each have a special place in my heart. Bobby, Sam, Greg and Anthony. I love their little old man names and I'm 99% sure they are each named after her previous husbands. I place my apron on my peg and grab my bag heading back to tell Dee I'm leaving.

"Like your soul?" Dee said to a costumer. He probably deserves it and is probably a class-A douche. 

"Just like it" the man said.

"Dee I have my break now I'm going out for a wal- what the fuck?" Jaye.

"Good morning to you too" he said in that half attractive half annoying sarcastic tone.

"Are you stalking me now" half concerned that is the real reason he's here. I mean mafia men have a thing for kidnapping their love interests. I've read enough to know that.

"Believe it not not I have better things to do. Although, a walk sounds nice" bold of him to assume  I'd invited him. He's lucky I can tolerate his company.

"Yea I guess you could come... I hope you like dogs." I smiled and passed him his coffee conveniently made by Dee and we set off. I really hope he doesn't like dogs.

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