I'm leaving...thanks

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Evangeline's POV:

"Dad?" I said thinking out loud. Everyone's eyes turned to me and Dee hides her laugh by drinking.

Jaye's dad crosses the room and sits at the head of the table. He holds a lot of power and is kind of intimidating. He gives a confused look and Mrs. Smith jumps up and practically runs to the kitchen to grab him food. He pours himself a large glass of gin. He looks up and individually makes eye contact with each of us.

"Any progress on your running for CEO when I step down boy?" He doesn't look up from his drink and I know he's talking to Jaye. From our few conversations he's always submerged in work.

"Perhaps you'd know if you were ever here." He said not looking up from his food. It was like a weird competition between them.

"The food looks nice right, and the drinks. You've both been looking at them, for a while now and honestly they won't run away" Ben said and Jaye chocked on his drink. Both of the men looked up.

"You'll have to excuse me and Eve for a moment I said I'd show her the garden and I've lost my appetite. We might be back for dessert." Jaye grabs my waist and leads me out of them room. We've abandoned Dee and Ben. "They'll be fine Ben can handle him." He whispers in my ear.

We walk through the house side by side and get to the garden. The cool evening air hits me and it's refreshing. I didn't realise how stuffy it was in that dining room. The garden is beautiful littered with loads of flowers and grass which is definitely exactly an inch. Jaye paces up and down and I take a seat on a bench. I know he needs a bit to cool off but I don't know how a little comment can make him so frustrated. I know it's not just this but it isn't my place to push. I'm only his cover girlfriend.

"You know I've given some thought about that date you sent me by email. You know you could've just texted me." I say.

"Yeah?" He says stopping pacing.

"Mhmm it's a double date so double the media attention anddd it's karaoke!" He sits down next to me laughing.

"You're funny. The double date is a good idea though." 

"I'm not kidding. If you don't come to this as our first date the truth shall come out." I say half joking.

He looks me up and down. "Will it now?" 

"Mhmm. I want a formal agreement... we do a date of my choice every other week. Dinners at restaurants bore me."

"We will do what you want once a month, final decision." I don't push because my tactics have worked he looks more relaxed.

"Fine" I say pretending to be annoyed. "How long will this go on for? You know... you and me?" I suddenly realise I can't alter my life decisions. What if I want a real boyfriend.

"Until you find someone you want I guess. Just say the word and we'll stop this fake relationship. The ball is entirely in your court."

"Well when do you get the promotion?" I do want to help him out and I swear I see the corners of his mouth lift slightly. 

"Four months" he says maintaining eye contact with me and it's making me blush.

"Consider those four months of your life devoted to me. Your wonderful, beautiful and intelligent girlfriend." I say making myself laugh. A gust of wind catches me off guard and it's freezing. He takes off his jacket and places it around my shoulders. My heart skips a beat it's like it's out of a movie. "I won't be making this easy on you Mr. Smith. I will be embarrassing you at any chance I get."

"Let's make it a wager. First to give up has to do a favour for the other person." He says too confident for my liking. 

"Deal darling." I say and we shake hands. The touch of his skin sends shockwaves through my body.

"When's this stupid date night then?" 

"How about Saturday after Dee and I's shift?" 

"Deal Miss. Danes." He's still looking at me and he hasn't stopped.

"Come on then I think we've made Ben suffer enough. Let's brace ourselves and enter a bit scruffy so it adds a lot of awkward attention." I say running my hands through his hair. I pull one of the straps of my dress off my shoulder.

"You are an evil master mind my love."

"And that's why you love me." I say and we both laugh. This friendly banter makes things a lot more interesting.

I grab his arm and we walk back in together. I laugh loudly to make our presence known. Everyone looks up at us and Ben gasps. Dee's eyes go wide and Shannon and Mr. Smith give each other knowing glances.

I clear my throat and pull my strap back onto my shoulder. Fighting the smirk.

"This is ludicrous!" Mr. Smith says slamming his fork down and startling Dee. "I won't accept this stupid idea of a relationship"

"What your father means to say is maybe she's not your one Jaye and I don't think... we don't think you should date anymore." Shannon says in an arrogant way. 

"You know what..." Jaye begins to start but I interrupt.

"Jaye thank you for the evening. I'm leaving... thanks for nothing tonight but give my warmest regards to your chef." Mrs. Smith scoffs at that. 

Dee waves goodbye to Ben and we leave. That was humiliating.

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