You're still drunk

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Jaye's POV

"You both have embarrassed me tonight!" My mother shouted at me as she dragged us both out of the gala by the ear. It was after everyone had left and she hid us in the kitchen.

"Owww" moaned Ben rubbing his ear as she released us from her tallons.

"What did I do?! Ben was the one who threw a platter at window which I will gladly pay for if it's such a big deal!" 

"Way to feed me to the lions" he jabbed me in the arm still slightly drunk.

"You ignored Becky, a fine young lady, and you left to be in the garden even though you knew I had plenty of people to introduce you to"-

"No mum you had plenty of future wives to introduce me to. I have work to focus on and I'm 21!"


"No mum we are leaving!" I grabbed Ben and put him in the passenger seat.

"bye mum" he said out the window and I left. 

We got home and I sat down rubbing my temples. I could feel a headache coming on. 

"They were pretty hot you know" Ben mumbled half asleep on the sofa. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and a paracetamol. "Especially that red headdd" 

"You're still drunk Ben" I fought the smirk on my face. 

"I bet that garden meeting was prettyyy steamy" how did he even know about that-

"Right it's time for bed Mr. Window breaker" I walked him to his room and shut the door walking back to the kitchen to sit down and get back to the many emails I had gotten because of that stupid party. I worked all through the night.

The morning 

"Hey sleepy head" Ben shook me awake and I swatted him away.

"Aren't you supposed to have a hang over or something" I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up. 

"Nah it's one of my many superpowers. You've got S on your cheek." He pointed to my face and I took off the S key from my lap top.

"I have to go to the office to see if dad is there I have a few things to talk to him about, are you coming?" 

"Maybe, I have to find my Cinderella from last night. That blonde could get it any day."

"I'm surprised you even remember her after the window shenanigans" 

"Who even says shenanigans" he is judging me.

I grabbed my laptop ignoring him. He's in one of those annoying moods so I'll probably end up staying at the hotel near the office our dad owns. I'll work late anyway I have to prove myself as next in line to be CEO. I've worked too hard to let it all go to waste.

At the office 

I arrive at my office which looks out onto the city. I specifically swapped with with Ben so I could have the one with bigger windows it might be smaller but I prefer it. It's more calming. I get an email from Ben's assistant saying Becky is coming up to deliver me my mail. She's my brother's assistant's assistant. She only got the job because my mother thought I'd be a good idea but I hired someone right before she could even work directly for me. Now the whole calm atmosphere is ruined because mum 2.0 is on the way. 

"Here is your"- 

I cut her off grabbing the mail and shutting the door. I just cannot be bothered today. Right as I'm about to leave for a bite to eat my phone lights up.

Eve🍁: 'Thanks for the help yesterday we really appreciated it.' 

Me: 'no problem I mean it's probably one of the most eventful nights I've had in a while.'

Eve🍁: 'Glad to be of assistance 😎'

Eve🍁: 'oh and by the way Darcy is begging me to give you her number to give to Ben so here it                    is [xxxxxxxxxxx]'

Me: 'I'm sure he'll be jumping for joy I'll forward it to him now.' 

Great now I can't focus on anything other than that dress she was last night. So I decided to send her something. I don't actually know what was going through my head when I called up the driver and bribed him into giving me her address and I sent her a bouquet of daisies specifically from the venue. 

I sat down at my desk unsure of the fever that must of came over me. I've never ever done that. I get up and walk down to a cafe down the road I've always thought it looked good. I went in and stood in a ridiculously long. It was finally my turn when I locked eyes with a familiar blonde.

"Hello maf- Jaye, uh what can I get ya" she looked genuinely shocked.

"Umm I'll have a coffee, black please" I don't think I have ever changed up my order. Stick with what you know is what my dad always said.

"Like your soul?" She said under her breath.

"Just like it" I smiled back at her.

"Hey Dee I have my break now I'm going for a wal- what the fuck?" Eve.

"Good morning to you too" I said sarcastically.

"Are you stalking me now?" She said in a mocking tone. Darcy must have walked off because it was just me and her. 

"Believe it or not I have better things to do although a walk sounds nice." 

"Yeah I guess you could come... I hope you like dogs." She smiled and passed me my coffee and we set off. I'm bit confused as to what she means by that...

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