He ran to her and says "my tummy hurts!"

"Aw baby what did you eat?"Norie said and sat up.

"I don't know but it hurts"

"Let's go get you some ginger ale, and rest up okay?"she spoke and picked the boy up in her arms as she walked them to the kitchen.

Eren looked at Levi with a smirk and stuck his tongue out, the adult glared as he spoke "if you want to fight you gremlin...then we'll fight"



Eren ran to where she was but cut himself off when he saw Levi handing her a box of chocolate covered strawberries.

She smiled and says "what's this for?"

"Just wanted to see you smile"he responded.

Norie hugged Levi and placed a kiss on his cheek, he looked over at Eren who glared back.

"Meanie..."he mumbled as Levi smirked at him while holding Norie closer then before.

Later that day Eren was layering sweaters and shirt while also layering his beanies with a helmet. Mikasa stared at him as she sat on her stool holding a bear.

"What are you doing?"she asked.

"Levi is taking Norie away, she's mine"the 4 year old responded while zipping up another sweater.

"Eren you shouldn't fight, we can all love Norie equally-How would you like it if we never saw her again?"Eren cut the 4 year old girl off.

She stopped as he continued "all because of Levi...that...that..."

"Poopiehead!"Eren yelled and kicked a bucket of building blocks next to him down.

"We will never see her, all she would want is Levi. We will be forgotten... Mikasa, we will be nothing but broccoli"

Mikasa sat their with wide eyes, a look of terror. The bear she had in her hands fell to the ground as she lowly said "what?"

"Mhm! Levi will take her from us-she's our mommy..."she cut him off.

"I will trample crowds...burn flowers...flood towns..."

"Okay Mikasa I get it-Norie will not forget us...but she will forget him..."she cut Eren off.

Her death glare staring into his eyes making him shiver as she says "Eren..."


"I get it! Please!"he cried and hid his face.

"What? I was looking at you normally"Mikasa spoke.


The toddlers were set on a plan, Eren was going to climb onto the play house roof and Mikasa was going to act like she didn't notice. Then he'll throw himself off and land on her, but it wouldn't hurt her since he layered himself in clothing.

Then they would both act hurt and Norie would notice, shoving Levi away (or better yet, kicking him out of the house forever) and they live happily ever after.

"Okay Mikasa I'm going!"the boy said and climbed up.

They stood in the backyard as Mikasa stood next to the playhouse, Eren sang the theme song of a cartoon they watch, signaling her to say her lines.

"I wonder what would happen if I stand here, hopefully nothing will fall on me."She spoke in a monetoned voice.

Mikasa then backed up so she would be closer to Eren's falling point, he smiled and clapped his hands and yelled "here I go!"

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now