Episode 6: First Staff, Wins

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    In the Ice Palace, King Pen is being held in his frozen glacier and mentation, waiting for the time to come. He does not have his Phoenix crystal cause the Ice Serpents took it so he waited. Then the Frozen Serpents came and unfreeze, then dragged him to the throne room to meet Silther and Cold-Blood.

King Pen: "I'm guessing why I'm brought here for questions."

Silther: "Enough of your wise words, King Pen. You and your Skylanders nearly destroy all of my Ice Serpents and my clones."

King Cold-Blood: "Slithers, my Emperor. They're called Slithers."

Silther: "I know that...." As he then speaks to King Pen. "But you, on the other hand, are a perfect master with great skills. And without your Phoenix crystal, you are just a regular Skylanders."

King Pen: "With or without it, I still have a good heart for the team. And you cannot change those who are warm."

King Cold-Blood: "Warm you say?" He asked. "Well, maybe we can change that. My Emperor, let me do the honor. Let my test change the enemy's heart into a cold of ice."

Silther lets him do what he must, and so he commands a Slithers to come forward to his arm and gently hold it in front of King Pen.

King Cold-Blood: "I made a great discovery evolving the Slithers into indestructible venomous snakes to bite warm-bloods. With one bite, it will change the hearts of creatures into ours. And don't worry, it will hurt a litte."

As he held it closer for the Slithers to bite King Pen, as he tried to keep himself away but the Ice Serpents got him closer for the snake to bite him with a coldest venom. Meanwhile, in the Fire Birds' Tomb, the Skylanders return to meet the Fire Master who wants to speak with them.

Kazuya: "Greeting to have you all here, Skylanders."

Nina: "We're all here, Fire Master. So what's the new mission today?"

Kazuya: "There won't be any mission today, you all have a quest today."

They were confused of why not letting them do a mission but a quest, and the Fire Master tells them what the quest was.

Kazuya: "I have been studying the drawings that Nina and her team have found earlier. The drawings have told the stories of the Elders' scepter when it first came to us. The beginning where everything has started." As he explained. "The staff came and landed to a place where it was first the place where the Phoenix and Amphiptere Elders were born from. It was the Temple of the Elders. It was a home for the Elders to give and protect us, and a place for the next Elders to become. And since the climate has changed, I know where it can be found." Then he shows them where it is. "This area is where you all will travel, but be warned. Sometimes the Temple protects itself from unwanted visitors and cannot be close to it if it senses your presence. But with your Phoenix crystal, you can now enter from away from it and be able to find the staff. And be aware, the temple will have the puzzles that you need in order to claim the staff."

Stealth Elf: "Thank you, Fire Master. We will get to the staff before the Ice Serpents can find out where it is."

Eruptor: "Well, they're too dumb to know where it is."

Zoran: "Careful, Uncle Eruptor, the Ice Serpents can be very smart to know what's going on."

Spyro: "Don't worry, son. They won't know what we know about the temple location."

As they think their enemies cannot find the temple, but one Slithers have heard about the Elders Temple. Its mind then gives the information to other Slithers at the Ice Palace, like a hive mind, and it learns about them finding the temple. And Viperla reports to the Ice Emperor.

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