The Huo's Old Shop Trap

Start from the beginning

"Alright, just hang in there until I come back..." Xiu Xiu said as she turned to leave the shop.

Now, the three of them were alone, so Pangzi decide to explore the shop a little bit, checking out the items that were in display or in plain view.

"There are plenty of good stuff here... I wonder just how secure this shop is to have all those things in plain sight, but no one coming to take them." Pangzi wonder as he try to see if he could spot security cameras.

"They must have their ways Pangzi and it's not like the Huo's owned just one shop."

"Yeah, but should we truly trust a Huo, even if she looks like adopted?" At that Wu Xie smiled.

"Xiu Xiu really seems out of place for such a family, but precisely because of that both Xiao Hua and I trust her."

"Tianzhen, you will trust pretty much everyone, that's why you earned your nickname. Master Hua however... well, let's said he had a better judgment."

"And he trust her, so I'm still right to do so too." Wu Xie insisted as he sat on a chair, already tired from the fight of the previous day and... well, what happen in the shower afterwards. Fortunately for him, Pangzi followed his example and sat by his side while Xiaoge remained stand but close.

"Well, since there is nothing else to do right now, let's see what we got so far... first, your uncle leave the archives for you to find, which in turn lead you to the buyer that wanted the files quite badly and that also lead you to the Xin Yue Restaurant in where 'coincidently' the Ghost Seal was in auction and end in our hands again." Pangzi started.

"I can't call all that a coincidence. I was set up from the start."

"Oh yeah... you are the chosen one."

"Chosen one my ass... the older generation was just messing with all of us."

"Not that this one is doing better, because your mess is already huge enough to pass it into the next. By the way, will you both adopt? I mean the Wu's need an heir... unless you cheat on Xiaoge..."

"Shut up! Why will I cheat on Xiaoge? And if my family wanted an heir so badly, why only my father marry?"

"You know what? That's a good question, I wonder why your uncles never give the big step themselves..."

"So they can blame it all on me, that's why." Wu Xie said and Pangzi laughed.

"Those old foxes certainly push it on you... but failed big time. Maybe Xiaoge had a son hidden somewhere? He needs an heir too..."

"I don't." Xiaoge said immediately and Wu Xie smiled charmingly at him.

"You see? An instant response, even without his memories means he is telling the truth. To hell with heirs... we had bigger problems in our hands anyways."

"Yeah, no kidding. So... what are we going to do now? I doubt you have the money to pay back the restaurant."

"Let's wait and see what Xiao Hua can do for us first. If we at least can pay in instalments, then it will be easier to deal with."

"Unless you rob a tomb on its entirety, you will still have problems paying in instalments. Your shop is not overflowing with money each month, remember?"

"Yeah, I'm totally broke, thanks for remain me of that..."

"Well, maybe we can still sell the Ghost Seal to Xiao Hua, like he offer before and let him pay the restaurant debt."

"Si Pangzi, he had already do enough for us..."

"Yeah, yeah... now, talking about that, let's have a good look at it. Who knows for how long we will have it on our hands, right?" Pangzi pointed and Wu Xie agree for once.

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