Hablas Espaniol!?

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Peter had been in his room, doing his homework, when Tony walks in his room


"Gah! Que-What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong! Just wanted to know what you are doing"


"How much do you have left?"

"2 questions why?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to work on a new suit with me"

"Give me a minute"

Peter turns back to his homework, and a minute and ten seconds later, he stands up. 

"Ok. I'm done"

"Wow, that was quick" Tony says. "Come on"


Tony and Peter were working on the suit, and per usual, Tony had his music on. 

It was all rock, until one Spanish song came on. 

Tony started "singing" the song, not correctly saying the words. 

Peter's eyes widened when the song came on, and he was trying desperately to not sing the song. 

When he lived with Aunt May before she died, He and May would listen to this song everyday when they cooked together. 

"What's up Peter? Are you ok? You seem stiff"

"What? Yeah, I'm ok."

"What's wrong? Do you not like this song? I can change it if you want"

"No no, It's just, uh, I thought of something we could add to the suit"

"Oh! Great! Shoot!"


Tony's P.O.V

The second Peter went stiff when the Spanish song came on, I knew something was wrong. 

And he stayed stiff for a good 30 seconds, and he had a far off look in his eyes. He didn't snap out of it until I called his name. 

And even then, I wasn't convinced that he was telling me the truth about thinking of something to add to the suit. 

So, I decided to experiment...


When Peter got in the car, Tony "accidentally" played a Spanish song. And as he expected, Peter stiffed up every time, and he pressed his lips together

And as soon as he changed the song, Peter's whole body relaxed. 

Tony would continuously "accidentally" play a Spanish song, and every single time, Peter would have the same reaction. 

One time, Tony caught Peter in his room singing the same song, perfectly. 


Peter's P.O.V

Tony kept playing the song whenever he could. I know what he was doing. He never misses anything. 

But the only problem is, is that the more he heard that song, the more it played in his head, and it just got stuck. 

He had been reading a book on his bed, when he started singing the song. Quietly, though, so no one would hear him. 


Tony stood there until Peter sang the very last note. Then he walked in and leaned on the doorframe, and crossed his arms. 

"Well. Who would've thought?"


Peter's P.O.V

"Well. Who would've thought"

I opened my eyes and looked to where the voice came from, and there stood Tony. 

I knew I was caught, and there was no getting out of it. Peter sighed. 

"I didn't know you speak Spanish" Tony said

I sigh

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"I-I don't know"

"How do you know that song?"

I sigh again. "Every day after school, Aunt May and I would cook, and play that song. Every single day. Until, you know, she died"

"Oh. But how do you know Spanish?"

"Aunt May taught it to me when I was very young. Even before my parents died."

Tony sat down on the bed next to me and hugged me. 

"I'm sorry I kept playing that song"

"It's ok. I should have told you."

"I'm glad you did"

I chuckled. 

"I can take it off my playlist if you want"

"No, it's ok. I actually want to listen to it when I'm working."


"Love you dad"

"Love you too"


Next Chapter coming soon! 

Any recommendations greatly appreciated!



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