Chapter 27

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     Chuckling softly to herself, Pansy menacingly led the terrified Branch over to Uueeka against his will, the massive bird now mingling with the others, seeming to be laughing at a joke that was just told...

     Chuckling softly to herself, Pansy menacingly led the terrified Branch over to Uueeka against his will, the massive bird now mingling with the others, seeming to be laughing at a joke that was just told

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"Uueeka..." the old troll called over to the massive bird, Uueeka instantly turning away from his conversation to look at the troll he considered a mother. "Fooning teeoom."

     The bird nodded at the statement, bending down a bit so that Pansy could easily climb onto his back.

     "Come with me," the former queen instructed, climbing up onto Uueeka before turning back to the trembling survivalist with a smirk, the pink troll holding out her hand to help the safety nerd climb onto the bird alongside her...

     Branch looked at her for just a moment before his fearful gaze slowly turned to the bird she was currently standing on top of, his heart actually skipping a beat as he stood frozen in place, the poor boy seeming to be completely incapable of movement...

     "Uh... no... no thank you..." he finally denied, his voice shaking wildly as the young boy nervously fiddled with his fingers, his eyes locked on Uueeka and refusing to look away. "I'm kinda... a little bit... terrified of birds..."

     "Oh please," Pansy scoffed, rolling her eyes at the paranoid survivalist who was now trying to make his escape. "How can you be scared of such majestic creatures?"

"I... I... I..." Branch stuttered, beginning to slowly back away in hopes that the crazy old bat wouldn't notice his retreat until after he was already long gone...

But... unfortunately... he didn't get far before a rather hard peck on his head made the little blue troll freeze in place...

     Slowly, Branch looked up, horrified to see that the group of birds who had trapped him earlier were once again surrounding him, the massive beasts making escape impossible as they seemingly snarled at the young boy standing before them, warning him not to move even an inch... or else...

     "Besides..." the former queen suddenly continued with a light smirk, her words instantly catching Branch's attention and making him look back to her in complete terror. "Uueeka isn't a bird. He's a Synathin."

     "A... a what?" Branch questioned in confusion, the poor thing not daring to take even a single step away from Poppy's mother in fear that it would cost him his life...

     "A Synathin," Pansy repeated, checking her nonexistent nails. "They are magical bird-like creatures who can heal any injury. They can even bring people back from the dead..." She paused, looking back up at Branch with a sinister grin. "As you witnessed when you and Poppy first arrived..."

Branch looked over at Uueeka once more before then turning his gaze quickly back to Pansy, his eyes still shimmering with fear...

"Y... yeah..." he stuttered with a quick gulp of terror. "I'm still not getting on it..."

Trolls and the Search for the Missing Mom (rewrite rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now