Chapter 19

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     Finally, the two friends were able to find a nice clearing covered in soft grass that they could rest in for the night, the sun just now setting fully as Poppy helped Branch sit down on the ground, making sure the blue pop troll didn't accidentally fall over in the process...

     Although he wouldn't admit it... the queen of pop could tell the young boy's injuries exceeded his vision problems...

     His entire right leg going all the way up into his hip was covered completely in one giant black and blue bruise that clearly gave the survivalist so much pain just to simply walk... Not to mention the gash that had been made in his skull... the gash that was so conveniently hidden by his thick hair, that he thought his girlfriend couldn't see it... but she could... she could see every little scratch that her boyfriend was trying to hide from her...

"We'll figure out what we're doing in the morning. Ok, Branch?" Poppy asked as the little blue troll finally got down safely into his resting spot.

     Branch nodded, trying to kiss his girlfriend's forehead, but ended up accidentally kissing her nose instead... a gesture that caused the young queen to giggle before planting her own goodnight kiss on her boyfriend's cheek.

     "You just rest up..." she instructed in a sweet and calming tone. "You need your sleep..."

Obliging to his girlfriend's request, Branch carefully laid down with a silent sigh, the little troll still sad about the situation he had put Poppy in... they were only out here because of him...

     He wanted so badly to protect her... to keep her happy... but right now... he wasn't doing a good job at either of those things... and it was all his fault...

Slowly, the young boy reached up into his hair, finally pulling out his special blanket to snuggle up in for the night. The blanket he never, ever, ever let anyone touch in fear they might accidentally damage the extremely precious artifact...

     Branch looked at the blanket in his hands for a short moment, slightly saddened by the fact he couldn't see the special item at all, but eventually wrapped it around his body, shielding himself from the chilly nighttime air as he finally closed his eyes, ready to go to sleep like Poppy had told him to...

The little troll couldn't help but smile slightly as he let out a deep sigh of content, the soft fuzz of his blanket slightly tickling his blue skin as he held it comfortingly up to his neck, making sure to cover up his entire body with the warmth giving material...

     Honestly... the young boy always felt safe and warm when he was wrapped up nice and snug in that blanket, pleasant memories filling his brain...

     Branch's late grandmother had given the extremely special item to him when he was just a little trolling... The fabric even smelt faintly of the Fluffleberrie cake he had accidentally spilt on it that one time when he was only two...

Whenever Branch was sad, or scared... he would just take out his blanket, and wrap himself up in it to remember his grandma and all the happy moments the two of them had spent together...

When he was little, whenever he was scared, his grandmother would simply wrap him up tightly in that very blanket, and sing to him softly as she rocked him back and forth in her caring arms...

That memory always came to the young troll's mind whenever he snuggled up in that blanket. It always comforted him in the worst of times... and right now... it was helping quite a bit...

Poppy smiled lovingly down at her boyfriend as she watched him slowly drift off to sleep, his small smile fading away into his dreams...

     Once she was sure he was no longer awake, the queen of pop gently kissed Branch's cheek before then heading off a little ways to find a spot for herself to rest in...

Finding the perfect place to catch a few hours of sleep, the young queen lay down, slowly reaching into her own hair to pull out the blanket she had brought along on the journey.

     But... she quickly realized that she had forgotten to pack it... the eager girl had been so excited to finally meet her mother after all these years... she hadn't thought to bring anything along with her...

With a small sigh, Poppy lay her head down into the dirt to rest her eyes, not worrying about the blanket. She would be fine. Or... so she thought...


Throughout the night, the air only grew colder and colder, the freezing breeze rushing harshly over the queen of pop as she lay completely vulnerable to the elements on the cold hard ground...

     Poppy had been sleeping, but quickly woke up to the strong winds now taking hold of her, the poor girl shivering from the cold...

Quickly, she rolled over onto her side, curling up into a tight ball to try and stay warm... But that didn't seem to help in the slightest... the air around her only getting colder...


Branch was sleeping peacefully a few feet away from the queen of pop, the breeze not bothering him in the slightest as the warm blanket that was so deer to his heart remained comfortingly wrapped around the young boy's body...

     But... the little pop troll soon awoke to a strange sound invading his joyful dreams... A sound that he would recognize anywhere as his beloved girlfriend's teeth chattering...

Concerned and somewhat confused, Branch opened his eyes, looking over to see the pink blur that was Poppy laying on the ground, her body shaking fiercely...

Without hesitation, the little blue troll grabbed hold his blanket, not even thinking twice before walking towards the love of his life...


     Poppy shook fiercely from the cold air rushing over her, the young queen hugging herself tightly as she tried her best warm herself up...

     Nothing was working... that is... until a warm fuzzy material suddenly fell over her, the queen of pop flinching slightly in surprise as she turned to see Branch carefully placing his special blanket over her body...

     With a small smile, Branch turned, Poppy watching as he slowly walked back to his spot, the poor boy shaking slightly as he lay back down...

"He... he gave me his blanket?" the young queen whispered softly to herself, looking over at her boyfriend in disbelief. But... but now he was cold... why would he do that? just for her...


Branch hadn't noticed Poppy was awake... with his messed up vision, he hadn't seen her turn to look up at him, so he naturally thought she was still sleeping... which is why the young boy was surprised when he suddenly felt something fall over him...

He rolled over in slight confusion, seeing the pink blur of his girlfriend standing over him, the queen of pop gently placing his blanket back on top of him...

"Poppy?" he questioned softly, raising an eyebrow at her...

     "It's ok, Branch," she whispered back, laying down right beside him so they could share the blanket as well as their own warmth. "Just go back to sleep..."

Branch smiled at his girlfriend's kind gesture, the young boy kissing the love of his life gently on her head...

"I love you so much, Poppy," he told her softly, Poppy smiling at those beautiful words... "I love you too, Branch," she responded, both trolls closing their eyes to head back to sleep...

 "I love you too, Branch," she responded, both trolls closing their eyes to head back to sleep

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Trolls and the Search for the Missing Mom (rewrite rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now