Chapter 13

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"Branch!" Poppy screamed out in pure absolute terror as her boyfriend splashed down into the rapid waters surrounding him with a quick shriek of terror, the light blue pop troll immediately disappearing into the depths of the raging river...

Quickly, the young queen sprinted over to the edge of the stream, looking desperately into the rough waters to frantically search for her best friend...

"Branch!" she cried out at the top of her lungs, hoping her boyfriend would show himself. "Branch!"

Finally, the little pop troll resurfaced, bursting up from the rapids as he gasped sharply for air, the current immediately yanking him away from his only chance at survival... Poppy...

     "Branch!" Poppy screamed again at the horrifying sight, quickly running off after him

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"Branch!" Poppy screamed again at the horrifying sight, quickly running off after him. "Branch! I'm coming!"

"Help!" Branch cried out in fear, flailing around to try and stay at the surface of the water that was trying it's best to pull him under...

     Water filled his lungs as he struggled to breath, the current yanking Branch forwards, making it impossible for the little troll to control where his body went...

     "P... Poppy! Cough! Cough! Help!" he coughed, struggling to keep his head above water...

"I'm coming, Branch!" Poppy yelled out, running as fast as she possibly could. But unfortunately... the water was pulling Branch forwards faster than she could run, quickly taking him away from safety...

     Suddenly, she lost sight of her best friend as the current yanked the helpless troll back under, the young queen searching frantically for the love of her life as he twisted and turned uncontrollably in all directions under the surface of the dark murky river...

     Suddenly, she lost sight of her best friend as the current yanked the helpless troll back under, the young queen searching frantically for the love of her life as he twisted and turned uncontrollably in all directions under the surface of the...

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     "Branch!?" she cried out, searching the black waters as she continued running forwards. "Branch!? Where are you!?"

     With a big gasp of air, Branch finally managed to push his way back up to the surface, coughing frantically to try and catch his breath, the little troll's face so pale, he looked almost completely lifeless...

       "Pop... cough! Cough! Popp... cough! Poppy... H... he... help..." he begged, the water suddenly pulling him right back under...

     The poor boy's mind was now a complete blur, everything seeming to fade away from existence as he struggled against the current... He desperately needed oxygen... now...

     Quickly, Branch pushed himself back up to break the surface of the water holding him down, his limbs aching with the effort he was using to stay alive...

Panting heavily in terror at seeing her best friend beginning to lose the battle for his own life... Poppy continued running, looking up ahead to see if she could spot any way to get him out of that deadly river holding him hostage...

The queen of pop looked up ahead of the light blue troll, her eyes suddenly widening in horror at what she saw...

"Branch!" she yelled out in complete panic, pointing up ahead of the little troll.

Somehow, Branch managed to turn himself around, his eyes widening in fear as well when he saw what had the queen so worried...

Just a few feet up the river... was a massive water fall threatening to pull him over...

"Help!" he cried out, desperately trying to swim against the current. "Pop... cough, cough, cough, cough! Poppy!"

But unfortunately... the waves were just too strong, keeping their hold on the helpless pop troll...

Yet again... the water pulled him under, but this time he was thankfully able to swim right back up to the surface, quickly grabbing hold of a rock.

 the water pulled him under, but this time he was thankfully able to swim right back up to the surface, quickly grabbing hold of a rock

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Panting heavily, completely unable to breath... Branch clung weakly to the rock holding him in place as the young boy coughed up some of the water that filled his lungs strangling the life right out of him...

Poppy was getting closer, but she just wasn't close enough...

Branch was trying with all his might to hang onto the rock, but his hands were slowly sliding away from the slippery surface, the water tugging at his body and trying to force him over the deadly waterfall...

"P... Pop..." he muttered softly, his eyes slowly blinking open and shut, all his energy completely leaving his limp body...

There were tears in his eyes as he clung onto the rock, struggling to keep his grip... struggling to stay awake... struggling to stay alive...

He couldn't breath... he couldn't move... he couldn't hold on...

Suddenly... Branch's hands slipped off of the rock, sending the little troll tumbling right over the waterfall...

Poppy's eyes widened in terror, seeing her boyfriend's limp body falling quickly out of sight...

"Branch!" she cried out in pure horror. "Nooooooo!"

Trolls and the Search for the Missing Mom (rewrite rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now