Chapter 15

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      Quickly, Poppy began descending the steep cliff that the waterfall was spilling over, using her hair as a grappling hook so that she wouldn't accidentally slip and fall.

      Quickly, Poppy began descending the steep cliff that the waterfall was spilling over, using her hair as a grappling hook so that she wouldn't accidentally slip and fall

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     "Branch!?" the young queen called out, her eyes frantically searching the water below for her boyfriend.

But there was no sign of the little blue pop troll anywhere... just the water flowing smoothly down the passing stream...

"Please, Branch!" she cried out in a desperate tone, sounding as if she were about to break down into tears at any moment... "Where are you!?"

     Finally, the queen of pop reached the bottom of the cliff she had been descending, quickly running to the edge of the river in complete panic...

     The water was much calmer down here, not moving half as fast as it had been at the top of the waterfall, but even with the clear waters revealing the bottom of the river... there was still no sign of Branch...

     "Branch!?" Poppy called out again, tears now pouring from her eyes and sliding smoothly down her cheeks at the thought of losing her best friend forever... "Branch!? Answer me!"


Her heart racing in terror, the young queen looked all around herself, suddenly gasping in astonishment when she finally spotted a blue silhouette washed up on shore just a little ways down the river...

     Her heart racing in terror, the young queen looked all around herself, suddenly gasping in astonishment when she finally spotted a blue silhouette washed up on shore just a little ways down the river

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     "Branch!" Poppy shouted out in suspense, quickly running over to the little pop troll who was laying unconscious in the grass... "Branch! Branch! Wake up, Branch! Please wake up!" she cried shaking her best friend back and forth in a rapid manner.

But... no mater how much she begged... Branch just wouldn't awake from his deep dreamless slumber... and worse... much, much worse... the blue troll wasn't even breathing...

     "No... no, no, no..." the queen of pop whimpered in absolute terror, quickly rolling her boyfriend onto his back so she could lower her ear to his chest...

     There... a heartbeat... he was still alive!

     "Come on, Branch!" the young queen begged, beginning to shake him back and forth yet again. "You need to wake up! Please don't die, Branch! Please!"

Trolls and the Search for the Missing Mom (rewrite rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now