Chapter 3

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I woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes and some coffee. Maybe I should thank my aunt when I see her, because I owe all this to my aunt's guest who's coming today. I went into the upstairs bathroom, peed quickly, brushed my teeth, and then came downstairs.

"Smells nice." I praised her cooking as I entered the kitchen.

"All for you honey, oh yes and for our guest!"

After stealing a piece from the counter, I popped it in my mouth and went upstairs to get dressed. As I was putting on my clothes, I heard the doorbell ring. My aunt's guest must have arrived. To be honest, she took really good care of me and at least I felt like I had to do more than just help with the household expenses a little. Let me start by looking like a good young lady to your guest this morning.

"Y/N hurry up Yana is here!"

As soon as I heard this, I took a quick glance in the full-length mirror on my closet, looking as casual as ever in low-waisted jeans and a simple lilac T-shirt. I quickly brushed my hair and went downstairs to find my aunt sitting next to a young lady in the kitchen.

She looks quite young. Her long black hair reaches her waist. Her slender, slender hands rest on a coffee mug. She turns to me to greet with a friendly look on her face.

"Hi Y/N, your aunt told a lot about you."

After shaking her hand, I sat across from her. She told me about many things, from being neighbors with my aunt for a while, to having a husband and a dog, to what major she was studying at university. She was talkative, I liked her right away.

"I'm just going to get a little business done while you girls chat."

When my aunt disappeared, I put my hand under my chin and decided to have a little chat with her, "Aren't you too young to get married?"

She laughed, "No, not really 30 actually."

My eyes widened, "Oh,come on!"

"Yes." Yana wiggled her fingers thoughtfully, "And you? Is it as hard as you expect to get used to in Daegu?"

"No, it's okay. There's nothing pushing me apart from my goddamn high school life."

She laughed with me at my rude words, "Oh, I remember high school. It was a dark time for me. I had lost my mother."

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