Chapter 1

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"Twenty-five thousand won."

I smiled calmly at the customer at the part-time grocery store where I worked after high school. Being young was still a lot of fun for some, but being seventeen is a nightmare for someone like me who has tragically lost their entire family overnight.

After saying goodbye to my last customer before closing, I had to count the cash, as I always do before closing the shop, and it just made me grumble as I'm not good with numbers. I stood there in all my displeasure and groaned as I counted the day's winnings.

I opened the safe and called out to the messy looking man who had suddenly walked in and walked towards the liquor cabinet, "Sorry sir, we're closed!"

I don't think he even heard me. He went straight to the cold drinks cabinet and soon came back with a few beers in his arms. He had strange eyes.

"I told you we were closed, but you didn't hear me."

"I heard you." he said, putting his hand in one of his pockets.

"Then?" I crossed my arms, trying to give a frightening look.

"Look, I'm not trying to cause trouble, but would you mind paying me and leaving?"

A little nervously I put my hand on my neck and said, "Well, why not for tonight?" I said.

He looked at me with a crooked grin as he laid a wad of cash on the counter, "Are you new here?"

I never understood why he asked this, I think he was trying to befriend me, "I just moved. I'm staying with my aunt."

"Oh," he slammed his veiny, long-fingered hand on the counter several times with an inexplicable expression on his face, "I'm just trying to chatter. Whatever."

There was an awkward silence between us for a while, and for some unknown reason I felt I had to ask him something too, "Are you an artist?" I said as I stared at the faded traces of paint on his pale hands.

"I am. If you want to drop by sometime, my shop is down the street."

"Yes, of course I will." I was trying to be kind.

"I am opening an exhibition soon, I would like to see you there."

These words take my breath away, is he trying to flirt with me? Even though I could now easily tell that it wasn't real by lowering my eyes and looking at the ring on his left hand, I still couldn't help but think about it. I didn't get the attention of most guys, I didn't have long legs or blonde curls, I was just an ordinary girl.

I'm not saying this in a bad way but let's be honest, it wasn't hard to tell he was handsome even though he was a bit of a weirdo, so take a look at him. Guys like him don't care about girls like me. He is already married, I scratched a little at his unknown name in my head.

Before leaving the shop, he took one last glance at me with the bottles in his lap, slid a cigarette from the pocket of his leather jacket to the corner of his mouth, squinting, "I'm Min Yoongi, I think I'll see you often."

I waved to the man before blending into the dark alley, isolated from the crowd. "Maybe you better not see me,"I wanted to say, but instead I sighed after the attractive man who looked like a delicious meal.

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