chapter 21

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All of a sudden men started walking to the back of the house and coming back with guns. I was getting scared and I couldn't find Tom. I started to panic and I stopped one of the men.

"What is happening? And where is Tom?" – I grabbed him by the arm and made him look at me. "They started attack. I need you to go with me miss." – He said and grabbed my hand bringing me with him somewhere.

I stopped and pulled him. "I asked you where is Tom?" – I refused to go anywhere until he tells me, where is my boyfriend?

He didn't want to say anything. He was thinking what he could say. "I am here, my love." – Said Tom coming from behind me.

I hugged him tightly. "I thought something happened to you." – I let go of him and he looked down at me. "Don't worry I won't leave you." – We started hearing gunshots outside of the house.

I was getting really scared and I held onto Tom's shirt. He hugged me with his left arm and in his right one he had a gun.

"Let's go." – He started walking towards the back of the house. We got in one room with no windows at all. Just one small light. On the table at the end of the room were all kinds of the guns.

I stared at it and Tom noticed after he locked the door. "Don't look at it. I know you don't like any of this but we will go through this. I promise you, we will get out of this alive and everything will be fine." – He comforted me. But it didn't work for me.

In my head, the thought of us dying was underlined and I couldn't think of anything else but that. I didn't want to leave this world. I don't know why. I just want achieve and do things I never did before.

He was hugging me the entire time and as we were in silence the footsteps and gun shots were getting louder and louder.

I started to panic once again. My eyes were getting wet. Tom let go of me and looked at me. He placed his hand on my mouth, not pressing it too much. After few seconds I calmed my breathing and he lowered his hand on the gun. He got to the door and stood against it. He showed me with the movement of his head to get into the corner of the room next to the doors.

Quietly I did that and placed my hand on my mouth just to stay calm. He turned his head to me and looked at the floor. Tom opened the door and got out of the room.

"No, no, no." – I tried whispering but he didn't listen. He just closed the door ad left. And now I started crying because I didn't know what to do. I was left alone in a room full with guns I didn't know how to use.

I was just worried about Tom. I prayed that he will come back to me alive.


I am so dumb for what am I about to do. I looked back at Valentina. She was staring at one dot on the floor and when she noticed my head turn she looked at me. I looked at the floor in a shame.

I opened door and left the room. "No, no, no." – I heard her whisper as I closed the door. I closed my eyes as I didn't hear her voice anymore. I just wish she makes it out alive. We make it out alive.

I went towards the door of the house. From the second floor I notice they are open. Well doors were on the floor inside. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around with my gun out.

It was one of my men. Victor. I showed him with my head to go with me downstairs because it got quiet for a minute. As we were walking down the stairs slowly, there was more and more bodies not just from my men, but from Daniel's too. I heard a gunshot behind me and Victor's body fell on mine making us fall down the stairs.

I barely removed his body off of mine. My back and my hands were covered in blood as Victor's body bled out really fast because the person shot him in the back of the head I looked back to see who it was. Daniel.

The gun wasn't in my hand. I dropped it when I fell. Daniel stood over me with his gun pointed at my head. I breathed heavily. I waited for him to kill me but prayed that he won't find Valentina.

It's a risk but I'll try it. I jumped up trying to grab my gun but Daniel shot a bullet right next to it. I knew that that was a warning.

I turned around to face him. His gun was still out pointing to my head.

"I waited for this moment for months. You were danger to my existence as your father was when he tried to kill me for power." – He started talking.

"Liar." – I spoke just to provoke him. "Maybe I am. But who will know. Your dead father?" – He smirked and tilted his head.

Daniel straightened his head and tightened grip on gun.

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