chapter 10

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Two hours. Two hours left before I will maybe get killed. Just my luck. For past two days Tom was trying to convince me that nothing is going to happen to me.

I am bad person for lying to him. I said that I am okay and that I trust him, and I kind of do, but ever since my father was in mafia I know he gets what he wants.

I finished my shower and did my hair. Nothing special. It was Christmas Eve party, nothing too much I hope.

As I putted on my dress and heels I looked myself in the mirror.

"Am I looking too fat in this dress?" – I whispered starring at myself in mirror, my hands on my waist as I looked at my body.

"Who told you that?" – I heard familiar voice ask behind myself. I turned around and I saw Tom standing there with hands in his pockets.

"No one, I just think in need some training to get tinier waist..." – I turned back to the mirror looking at myself. My look moved to Tom's face as he slowly approached me.

"I don't think you need any of that. You are perfect." – He stood behind me with his hands still in his pockets. God I just wish he would put his hands on my waist and kiss my neck.

But I snapped out of my thoughts fast as he called my name.

"Valentina?" "Yes?" – I looked at his eyes I mirror not turning around.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of off?" – He asked not breaking eye contact. But after few seconds I did break. "Yeah, I am just lost in thoughts..." – I answered finally turning around to face him. His face even closer to mine now.

"I told you not to worry, I got you. You don't have to worry, you are safe." – I smiled at his words even if I had a little doubt in it.

"I know." – I smilingly said.

"And I got this for you." – He said as he reached back pocked of his pants. He pulled out a little box and handed it to me.

I looked at him with confusing look as I took the box out of his hand. I opened it and it was beautiful golden necklace.

"I's beautiful..." – I whispered as I took the necklace out of the box. I admired it. It had a little golden heart on it and on heart was initial 'V'. My mouth slightly dropped as I didn't take my eyes off it.

"Well, happy early Christmas, I was hoping you would like it." – He looked at the necklace then at me. I raised my look and smiled at him.

"I do, I really love it. Thank you." – I thanked looking into his eyes as he returned the same smile.

"Would you mind helping me put it on?" – I asked raising my hands in which I held necklace and the box.

"Sure." – He answered and took it out of my hand. I turned around and once again I was facing his eyes in the mirror in front of me.

He came closer and I felt my heart speed up. He throw his hands over my head and connected two parts of necklace. I finally took my eyes off him and I starred at my neck admiring his gift.

That was until I felt his hands rest on my shoulders after what he traced them down to my waist. I got shivers on my body. My breath hitched at his touch craving for more as he came even closer to me.

"Do I make you feel nervous?" – He asked. I felt his hot breath on my neck and shook my head 'no'.

"Use your words, darling..." – He sounded like he was struggling to say it. I was too, and I even had to lie.

"No" – I said as bold as I could, trying not to show how much I crave for his touch and how much he makes me needy and nervous in this situation. I didn't want to give him right to see me nervous because he is this close to me.

"Take the coat, we are leaving in few minutes..." – His hand slip off my waist and I closed my eyes. I let out deep breath then I opened my eyes once again breathing in and starring at necklace.

I walked out of the room with coat over my bare shoulders and as I walked down the stairs I saw Tom standing beside door on his phone waiting.


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