chapter 16

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Currently I am putting on necklace Tom gave me when we went on that ball. It gives me bad flash backs but also good ones. This necklace gave me the person who saved me several times.

I heard knock on door and I turned around to be greeted by Tom in tux. God he should wear this more often.

He looked at me with wide eyes and his jaw slightly dropped. "You look beautiful as always." – He breathed out still not taking his eyes off me.

"Well, thank you. You look handsome as well. That tux fits you very well." – I returned compliment. He really did look good in that all-black tux. He smirked pulling his hand out for me to take it.

"Shall we?" – He asked and I smiled taking his hand. I wore black and red dress with strings on back. I really like it. My hair was up because I wanted necklace to be really noticeable on my neck.

He gave me support while going down the stairs. Yes, I am in heels.

He always made me feel safe and this is just proving more. He gave me kind of 'I will always be at your side' vibe. And that's exactly what I needed.

Whole day, I was thinking of the things that could go wrong if we dated. I cannot say I didn't think about good things that would happen.

I imagined us like most powerful couple on whole planet Earth. Not just because we both belong to mafia families. But because I think our love would be strong that we would kill for each other.

I mean I was rethinking about that day when he literally kill woman who got job instead of me. That made me think about so many things that happened between us.

And the thing that he said after that 'I won't, because of you. If it was someone else, she would be dead by now.'

And not just to mention that he didn't want to leave me to die. He fired back and stayed, after I told him to leave.

I think I'm falling in love with his actions. Or him? I am not sure.

But anyway, we got to the restaurant. It looked so nice and expensive at the same time. Maybe it was too much for my liking but I am sure I'm going to like it after tonight.

I have good feeling about something between us but in the same way, something is telling me not to trust anyone. I don't know why.

And even when we got in building my thoughts were confirmed. All employees were kind of weird acting. Like they were scared.

Maybe they are scared of Tom. I mean he is the boss and everything with mafia but, why this much scared when all you have to do is be nice and not bother him all night. Is that so scary, or do I just know his soft side?

In restaurant was few people. And by few I mean only like three tables were left. One of the employee brought us to the table by the window and Tom thanked him.

"Can we sit maybe somewhere else?" – I asked Tom quietly but I assume the men heard it too. "Yes, why not?" – Wow he didn't even ask. I like that. If I told him that I assume something is off he would think I'm paranoid, but I am the one who my father is trying to kill. Well Tom too, but he got used to it as mafia boss as he said.

He turned to employee and the men nodded taking us to another table far away from the windows. I saw frustrated look on man's face when he lead us to another table. Yeah, something is definitely off.

"Is here okay?" – Tom asked me and I nodded with a fake smile. It wasn't but it is little better than the table next to the window.

Employee left and Tom pulled out chair for me and I smiled at him sitting down as he sat across from me.

We ordered food and as me and Tom were talking I was glancing few time at that table. Something was off with it. Like it was death trap, and as I thought about that someone sat at that table. It was older man and younger woman. Age gap were normal in this time but that wasn't what I focused on, I focused on panic look at same employee who brought us to that table. They started conversation and men and woman looked upset.

"Tom I have to tell you something, but you are not allowed to make fun of me or anything like that." – I said and he looked at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"What is it darling?" – It's not time for cute nicknames but I like it. "Something is off with that table, that employee wanted us to sit. He looked so frustrated when I wanted to change seat and now he looks worried about that couple sitting by it." – I explained and he tried not to look too exposable while he turned to look at that table.

"They seem like they are fighting." – He said as he turned back to me. "I'll be right back." – I said and I got up. Before he got out of my gaze he looked so worried and confused.

What made me feel safe is that his men are here. Around the building and in it just a little far away from us.

I passed them to go to the bathroom and I stopped few feet in front of them like I was checking my bag.

"I am sorry, but the table is set for another couple. Can you please sit somewhere else?" – The man asked and after the woman refused, I went back to Tom. "We got to go." – I said and picked up my coat.

"What why?" – He replied getting up. "The table was set up." – As I said that I heard glass breaking and screaming following thud. I looked in the direction.

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