chapter 9

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We got to the store. I have never been in this one, it's amazing tho. They have beautiful but also expensive as fuck.

Yes, my family is in mafia and my brother is a leader, but I didn't bring much money and I didn't know that all of this was going to happened for sure.

I looked through them all and then my eyes landed on beautiful red silk long dress. I took and admire it. And Tom noticed.

"You like that one?" – He asked coming behind me.

"I mean it's beautiful dress, not going to lie." – I smiled and then I looked at the price. "But it's too expensive.." – I left dress and started looking forward.

"I am paying, don't worry about that..." – He took dress again looking at price.

"No Tom, It's okay. I can buy another one" – I responded and continued looking through dresses. "No, come on... At least try it on, I believe it looks good on you."

I looked at dress and then at him one more time before deciding to try it on.

I took the dress and went into changing cabinet. It took me a while to put it on because I needed to zip it up on my back.

When I went out of the cabinet Tom stood there looking at me without any words. "So? How does it look?" – I say spinning around.

"It looks amazing, you look amazing in it. I am speechless." – He said smiling. It warmed my heart how he smiled.

"Thank you." – I thanked him and went back in cabin to change. I left dress where I found it and continued searching.

"Let's go..." – Tom said as he got up to me.

"Already? I didn't find dress..." – I turned to him sadly. "You did. I got it here..." – He raised bag I didn't notice he had in his right arm.

"Is that the dress I just tried?" – I furrowed my eyebrows pointing at the bag.

"Yeah, you look great and you said you love it." – He responded.

"Isn't it too much expensive?" – I asked taking bag ad he handed it to me.

"Don't worry about the price. You deserve everything good, you're an amazing person." – He said as we locked eyes but soon enough eye contact was interrupted by awkwardness of silence.

"We should get going, you need to find suit." – I looked down and he let out a little laugh. "Yeah, we should." – He confirmed.

We got out of that store and we went to buy him suit. He bought dark red one. It kind of matched my dress and I liked it.

As we went home, we talked. Not in serious way, but conversation that interested us both.

It was really nice talking to someone this deep. Especially when that person knows your current situation. I wish I had my best friend in this situation. Her name was Amelia.

Why am I saying in past tense? She died before 7 months. Month later after my father died actually. It was quite hard time for me. But my brother was there for me.

Whenever I wanted friend, he was there. Since our father died, well "died", he has been brother, friend and father to me. I know it sounds weird, but he protected me and talked to me like our father did before he "died".

And Amelia? Yeah, she was second mother to me. She took care of me, and she always needed to be sure if I ate, am I cold or even when I am sick. She wouldn't leave without curing me.

But her presence was a cure to me anyway. She would always lit up the room with her smile. Her death really hurt me. I was sick after I cried for three days just watching out photos and videos together.

I just wish I had her there. And now, I need her but that is not possible. I wish her death is fake like my fathers. I would be mad at her but not for too long.

Like now, I was mad that my father faked his death but I don't even know who he is after I read that letter. It's going to be burned in my brain for the rest of my life.

The lie that hurts as hell. And it will hurt but if I got over my best friend's death then I can do a lot of things. I was at my lowest after her death and I am impressed.

I gained my confidence thinking how I got up from my lowest. And I am proud at myself for that.


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