Twin 1 - Mermaid Model

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Mai and May are identical twins from the moment they were born. Mai was only older five minutes than May, but they didn't really care about it. In fact, May most of the time acts like an older sister for Mai. She decided everything for both of them and Mai never really care about them anymore since it's always resulted in good ways. When they were 10 years old, they got a little sister, since both of them really care about their little sister. Their parents let them decide the name for her. Mia, a name that May and Mai thinking of for almost two weeks. With a really fast-growing May and Mai grew into beautiful ladies, They both have perfect rounded C cup breasts, a model-like body, blue eyes, and sexy lips. If only their height was 2 centimeters more, they may be already working as a famous model today. Since they can't become a model. May decided to take political science, as Mai always follows her.

They took a national test of political science study department and both of them got accepted into the same famous university with the same score. Instead of becoming famous models both of them become famous researchers. This leads their government to notice them and give them an important position as mayor secretary after their 3.5 years in university, within two years they already have a master's degree from a foreign university. All of May's decisions lead both of them to get higher and higher, they feel like walking on the cloud now.

When the president announced the legality of Mermaid Drugs, May and Mai got enthusiastic about this topic. They had learned in a foreign country that mermaid can make the prosperity index goes up. But a few months after it was announced, there is an unexpected variable that became a disturbing topic "Mermaid stereotype" has been raised this problem is always a problem in most of the countries that legal mermaid drugs, and after that president's electability will go down. Mermaid stereotype is a view on a group of people who use mermaid drugs, as mermaid drugs are so cheap and also their kits are, people who use mermaid drugs are considered as poor people and the rest of the communities would avoid using the mermaid drugs. To prevent that, May and Mai make a proposal to be a solution to this, both of them recommend "Mermaid Magazine" as the solution to solve this problem.

In a surprise, their proposal got accepted. Not long after that, May and Mai got to be transferred to another department. Unexpected to them, May and Mai got transferred into mermaid Magazine agencies, their upper said this is a government agency and both of them have to work as mermaid models here. May and Mai were never really into transformation drugs, but since they were moved into this work, they have no choice but to accept them.

Since the agency is a new company established, May and Mai have to stay in an agency tank for the entire month until they have more models to shoot. The first week was really hard for them, there was literally nothing in their tank only May and Mai clad in gold mermaid scales and only five scales covering their nipples area. What angered them even more, first, the photographer's instructions were absolute and he is really strict. Second, both of them have to stay at the tank when everyone aside from can go home they said this to make both of them get used to the mermaid environment. Third, when everyone eating a pizza for the first issue celebration, they have to be locked inside the tank and can't enjoy eating any food except mermaid liquid foods. A question arises within May and Mia after a month "Did they really in a Government Agencies?" because what happened to them doesn't feel right. They were treated like an object for photograph only and when they didn't obey there will be an electric shock in the tank that stunk them. Most of their photographer will press this button if they are doesn't want to cooperate.

The next month was even harder for them. After the photographer put the anesthetic drug into their tank, their tanks were suddenly full of decorations out of nowhere, but not just their tank are different the room they looking at was even more different. It feels like someone's bedroom, by this moment they already realize that they were already kidnapped, but who will kidnap them? the rule about mermaids in this country is really strict. As political students who like to read about some law changes, they clearly remember in their head "when a mermaid/s kidnapped, the maximum penalty would be 20 years in prison".

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