Chapter 2

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The graduation went through successfully,all the students have graduated with reasonable points and Amatullah is among those with the biggest smile. Being a first class graduate of business administration was indeed a big success even tho she is not the first or even fifth she is the sixth,she is still happy.

"Congrats dear"Ablah said as she squeezed her into a bone crushing hug

"Thank you"she replied walking her way towards her family members.

"Congrats"both her parents congratulated as they hug her

"Thank you"she replied with a big smile

"I've finally gotten a successor"her dad teased,well he might be stating a fact. Since none of her brothers studied business Administration which is the family's business,she did even tho she wasn't forced. Her father is the President of the El-basheer enterprise because her uncle,his twin brother decided to become a soldier instead of following the family's business,her cousin ya Bilal is the Vice President. The CEO is her grandfather who refused to give up the role even after becoming the king.

"She's a lady,it'll be a lot of work"mama complained

"An ambitious lady,I can handle that" Amatullah joked

"That's why you are my daughter"her dad said as he pat her head "may God bless you"he added and the trio replied with an ameen.

The family along with Ablah had a great time in Dubai. They left the country a week later and came back to Nigeria,Kano. She don't want to go to Kano but she had to shince most of her family live there. She promised to stay there for only a few weeks and then come back to Abuja,her brother Ya Malik's house. He is 35 years old and is married to Hadiza with two kids yasmine who is five years old and her sister Muhiba who is three years old.

After coming back to Nigeria,the next thing She had to do is service. She hated the idea of living in a camp so She had her parents get a fake medical report of her having pneumonia so they had to let her stay off camp. Unfortunately after the camp period,She had to serve here in Kano even tho she wanted to serve in Abuja.

The last time she went to bichi was two years ago,and she have finally decided to go again. Amatullah have missed dada and umma even tho they have met last year when she came for holiday and they on the other hand visited too. She meets Abba regularly since he's always visiting when she's in Kano or even in school.

Today Amatullah and her parents will be leaving for bichi. Her brothers couldn't make it,they seem to be so busy since they couldn't even attend her graduation. The only female friend she have in the palace is Habiba,she's her cousin and her dad's brother's daughter. She is the only female whose their age gap isn't that much,five years.

As their cars parked in the palace,Amatullah ran into ummah's chamber forgetting about being royal "I've missed you ummah" she said whilst hugging her.

"Can't you say the salam and why are you running"

"I'm sorry Assalamu alaikum"She salamed whilst ummah replied with an audible waalaikumu salam. She ate before going to Dada's chamber.

"Assalamu alaikum" she half yelled as she walked into her step grandmother,dada's chamber.

"Oh the spoilt brat is here"one of her step cousins,Maimuna said

"Good afternoon dada"Amatullah greeted the old woman who is doing nothing but minding her business and not wanting to get involved in the grandchildrens' affair

"How are you,congratulations"dada congratulated

"Finally,Someone have remembered. Well thank you dada"she was so happy that at least someone have remembered to congratulate her

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