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For the next two days I kept sleeping or staring into emptiness. I hoped for a miracle. But nothing happened. I guess Sir James was right, I wanted Howl to come and save me. But he didn't. Perhaps he was after pretty girls in the town. I slowly took his dressing gown off, I took it in both of my hands above my head and threw it on the floor as if I could break it like glass. It didn't break, it quietly fell on the floor. I picked it up again and wanted to throw it even harder but suddenly a ring fell from the pocket. The same ring Howl gave me to disguise myself. I put it on my finger and looked in the mirror. It worked. I was an old man with a beard. "That's my chance" I thought. "I can use it to run away. I'll have to wait until I get to Sir James's abbey, where I'll put the ring on and fool them!" I jumped in excitement hoping it would work.

Just fifteen minutes later guards were at my door ready to escort me to the abbey. Not long after we arrived. They let me to a room full of servants. A young lady came to me and asked to follow her. So, I did. We entered a big light room; I noticed several wedding dresses.

"Sir James asked me to help you pick the dress" a young lady said.

"They are all white" I replied.

"Yes, indeed." She said. " It is an old tradition, a bride must wear white as it shows her purity and innocence"

"I've lost my virginity long ago; I don't think I quite fit into "pure and innocent"" I said sarcastically. "Anyway, I am not wearing white" I said with determination in my voice even though my knees were shaking. "Fetch me a wizard, will you, dear? Let them change the color of this drees" I pointed to a plain silk dress with short sleeves.

"Of course, ma'am. I will be back in a minute" the young lady said as she left the room.

I noticed a door that led outside, I was ready to flee through it when the young lady came back with a young wizard. She wasn't joking about one minute, was she.

"Ma'am, how can I help you?" the wizard asked.

"Could you please turn this dress red?" I replied.

"Of course." In a blink of an eye the dress turned ruby red.

"Is that to your liking?" the wizard asked.

"Very much" I replied and nodded at him. He left.

Suddenly there was more young girls around me, putting my make up on, doing my hair and suggesting jewelry. I looked in the mirror, I was perfect. I loved myself and I couldn't believe that if I fail, I will have to live with this disgusting man.

I had to put the dress on. I thought it was my chance to get rid of the girl breathing down my neck.

"I'd like to get dressed on my own" I said to her.

"I'm afraid Sir James has forbidden me to leave you alone for longer than a minute."

"I won't take long, I promise. Just give me a minute" I insisted.

She stood there clearly not wanting to leave. "That's it" I thought, "my last chance just slipped through my fingers." With tears in my eyes, I stared into nothingness. The young lady dressed me all on her own.

"You look stunning" she said smiling.

"Thank you" I murmured.

I was ready to give up when I heard a scream. It was coming from the next room. The young lady and I turned around to look at what was going on. "Help, help" we heard a voice of a girl.

"Sarah" the young lady whispered. "Please, stay here, I have to help my sister" she said as she run in the other room.

Without any hesitation I ran through the door and put my ring on. I found myself outside, there was a thick forest in front of me. "That's just perfect" I said and ran into the woods.

After a minute or so I heard distant screams and commotion somewhere back in the abbey. "They must be looking for me. Poor girl, I really betrayed her. I'm sorry" I said as if it could help her. I ran for good ten minutes without looking back, but I knew they were after me. And they will know to look in the woods. I tried to use magic to no avail. I was still under some sort of spell.

Looking around and out of breath I noticed a river. I ran down to it thinking of swimming with a current out of my desperation. To my surprise, there was a boat and no one around. Once again, I jumped into it without thinking and quickly drifted away. I felt somewhat relieved, but still shaking. I was sure they will get me any minute now. Half an hour has passed. I felt at ease at last. I didn't know where I was going to or how I am going to survive without my powers, let alone food. 

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