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As I came down the stairs being pulled by Howl, I saw a young boy. He looked my my age when I first came to Kingsbury. "Michael, please meet Y/N. Y/N – Michael"

"It is nice to meet you" I said.

"I'm glad to see you up and well" Michael said "We were worried you won't make it... Master Howl spend many hours trying to save you". He continued and looked at Howl, who looked irritated by Michael's remark.

"it was nothing" Howl said smiling gently as usual. "Here, Y/N, meet Calcifer, he is a fire demon"

"Um, er, hello Calcifer, it is nice to meet you" I said with a hesitation as I was looking at the fire.

"Why hello lady" suddenly a face appeared in flames, "It is nice to see another beautiful creature in this place other than myself" he said and both Howl and Michael laughed. I smiled gently.

The breakfast was ready. It smelled delicious. While we ate, I looked around more. The room was nice and cozy. A bit too small for a castle, it felt like more like home. It somehow reminded me of my home in Wales. Just like the room upstairs there was plenty of books and jars with potions and many, many small things. As I scanned the room, I felt being watched. I turned my head to Howl and sure enough, he was the one observing me.

"You like the castle?" he asked.

"I am not sure about the castle" I replied sarcastically. "But I must admit, yes, I like it. It reminds me of my home a little." I said with a tiny crack in my voice.

"Is that so? Howl asked, "It looks nothing like the king's palace."

"It doesn't. It reminds me of my home in Wales, where I was born." I said.

"Wales? Is that where you are from Master Howl?" Michael asked surprised.

"Yes, indeed." Howl replied with as much puzzled face as was mine.

"That is interesting" I said as I finished my breakfast. "Thank you for everything. But now I must go."

"Y/N, dear, as I promised, you can leave the castle whenever you want. But let me show you something. I wanted you to eat first, to gain some strength." Howl said as he stood up and took something from the cupboard. "Here" he handed me a ring, "put this on, it is a disguise".

"Why would I need it?" I asked refusing to put it on.

"We are going to Kingsbury. We need to be in a disguise"

"Why?" I asked again.

"That is exactly what I want to show you" Howl said.

I took a leap of faith. If we are going to Kingsbury, I will be able to use magic again, I could catch Howl and take him to the palace. I put on the ring, which transformed me into an old, bearded man. I look around for Howl. There he was in a body of a young beautiful blond girl.

"Is that one of the girls whose heart you ate?" I asked ironically and everyone laughed.

"You know that's no true, right?" Howl said with a bit of resentment in his voice.

"No, I don't know if that is not true" I said and felt some guilt in my heart. He definitely doesn't look like he's eating anyone's hearts. He saved me after all and is ready to let me go. But perhaps it is a trap.

He took my hand and led me to the door. He turned the door knob a few times and opened the door. There we were on the street of Kingsbury. It was unusually empty. I followed Howl along the street to the market square. I was anxiously waiting for what he wanted to show me. Perhaps I shouldn't wait? Grab him while I can and turn him in at the palace? For some reason I didn't want to do any of that. Just follow Howl. Do I trust him now? I haven't been myself lately. I wonder if someone has cursed me to get into troubles.

Suddenly Howl stopped. He stared at a poster on the wall. I came closer to see what it was. Wanting to show me something, he could've changed me into a younger person, with better vision. When I stepped closer, I gasped at what I saw. The poster said " Y/N L/N and Howl Jenkins also known as Howl Pendragon wanted dead or alive." I couldn't believe it.

"It's a mistake" I said quietly. "It can't be... did you do this? Are you trying to convince me they think I am a traitor? It's you! You did this!" I started yelling at Howl and people who were of market square started looking suspiciously at us. Howl tried to calm me down.

"I didn't do anything" he said. "I wanted to leave you at the palace as soon as I took the spell off of you. But when I came to Kingsbury I saw these posters. They must think you ran away with me"

"Then I must go to Madam Suliman and explain everything" I said.

"Y/N, you seem to be smart. Don't fool yourself. Madan Suliman is not who she wants to appear. She sent you straight into Witch of the Waste hands on your first mission." He whispered with a concern. "Do you think she is going to believe you, or let alone let you work in the palace?

"At least I won't be hiding for the rest of my life." I said as I took my ring off and flew to the palace. As I reached the palace, I turned around to see Howl. I saw he was not there, I got a shrinking feeling in my guts. "No, it doesn't matter if he is there or not. I made my choice." I thought to myself.  

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