Chapter 3

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(If you understand then thank you.)

The walls were a plain white and a few paintings, doors and big windows lined them. The floor was either black marble, dark wood, or red carpeted tiles. Kira paid attention to her surroundings as she followed the tall, faceless man. The calm atmosphere around her seemed too calm for her.

The long hallway stopped at an archway where it should be leading to the main room, there were two big staircases, each standing against two walls at either side of her. The staircases were connected to two adjoined hallways, making a small balcony and another hallway that leads to, what she assumed, a lot more rooms. She could already tell that the house was bigger than what she had just seen. Two archways were at each foot of the staircases and there was the front door.

"I am Slenderman, by the way." The faceless man said as he walked into the archway to her left. Kira followed.

They entered the living which also had a few paintings. There were two speakers on each side of a big, flat screen TV and below it was a cabinet with glass doors, showing DVDs, CDs, video games and game consoles.

On the couch was a boy playing video games. The boy had blonde hair, a green hat and pointy ears, she couldn't see his eyes because he was facing away.

"Ben." Slenderman called for him.

The boy didn't even bother to turn away from his game. "Hmm?"

"Where are Masky and Hoodie?" Slenderman asked.

"They're fighting over the cheesecake again." The boy answered, his eyes were still fixated on the screen.

Slenderman turned and told Kira to stay there. As the tall man exits the living room and heads for the kitchen, Kira could feel the slight nervousness. She faced the boy again, watching him from behind his back, as he played his video game.

"Stop staring at me, it's creepy." The boy told her, still playing.

"Sorry..." She apologized.

The boy finally paused his game. He turned his head, his eyes finally showing. His eyes were strange; the supposed whites of his eyes were a shiny black, and there were no iris- or rather the iris is black also, the only other color in his eyes were his small, red pupils. He smirked.

"Hi, I'm Ben." He said with a grin.

"I already know that." She informed him.

"Heh, yeah." Ben just chuckled to himself and unpaused his game, eventually, he continued playing. "Sit down."

Kira sat on the same couch but kept a distance away from him.

"What are you doing here?" Ben asked. Before Kira could say anything, he spoke again, "Wait, you're the one that Masky hit with a rock, right?"


"Yeah, he was the one who knocked you out. And then Slendy made him put you in a room, and so on and so forth." Ben said, his tongue out in between his teeth and he tried focusing on the game more.

Kira took the time to notice what he was wearing; he wore a green tunic, white tights, and boots. There were pouches on his belt, and another leather strap that was tied across his torso showed that he should be carrying weapons.

"Slendy was kind of suspicious of you; he thought that you were some kind of spy from the police and stuff like that." Ben continued to talk while playing. "And he was busy at the time Masky and Hoodie got you. They dragged him all the way back here, just to get him mad, and when he heard about you, he was furious."

Despite Kira not caring that much, she still listened.

"The others started to create chaos when they thought of you as a spy -or some human who was too curious of the woods and us. And then they started to vote for whoever's gonna kill you-"

"Kill?" Kira's eyes widened.

"Yeah," Ben said, biting his tongue again. "Yes! I got the bomb!" He cheered. He played a few more before talking again. "And then Jeff tried stabbing you while you were still out, he was so excited. But, Slendy stopped him right away. And being the boss, Jeff just decided to let go and dropped the idea of pissing him off. And eventually, he stabbed his bedroom's wall out of anger-"

"Wait," She cut off Ben. "Who is Jeff? And, how long was I out?"

Before Ben answered, he decided to finish the game. Eventually, he crossed the finish line on his last lap with his kart. "Yes!" He punched the air.

Kira just sat there, staring at him.

"Oh, sorry. What were you asking?"

Kira sighed. "How long was I unconscious?"

"A day," Ben answered.

"Who is Jeff?" She asked again.

"He's a psycho maniac who kills for a living." He said, fiddling with his controller.

"A... murderer?"

"Yep," Ben said. "Everyone who lives here is a killer, so I warn you; watch out."

Kira thought of it. "If everyone who lives here kills for a living..." She was already in danger, with the research facility left in ruins and groups of people from it might be looking for her. It turns out that she was far more in danger with living with killers if they don't trust her. And she was sitting next to one. "How about you? Aren't you one? I should be-"

"What? No, I'm not going to kill you. I'm more passive than the others." He started a new game. "You know, I don't like talking about this. Can we talk about you?"

"Uh... Yes?"

"Why did Slendy let you go? Normally, he asks a few questions and straight up kills them."

Kira ignored the last part of his statement. "I wouldn't say that I'm a normal human. In fact, I'm psychic." She said.

"R-Really? So you mean you have powers?" Ben asked in wondered.

Kira nodded. She pointed at the bowl of chips, Ben looked confused. She flicked her wrist and the chips floated in the air, leaving behind crumbs and the bowl.

"Cool!" Ben cheered in astonishment. He smiled. "I can do stuff too, but not like that."

Kira crossed her legs, now sitting like an Indian in the wild west. Her fingers tapped on her cheek, her chin on her right palm. She was thinking.

"So, I guess he's letting you stay?" Ben asked out of curiosity.

"Yes," Kira answered, still thinking.

"I guess... I could call you my housemate now?"

Kira ignored him.

A house full of murderers...

How interesting...

Another shitty chapter, hooray!!!!!!! "An Indian in the wild west." <how stupid of an idea to put that there... I don't even study American history, wth, how did a Filipino knows these things?

Like seriously, I know that when Christopher Columbus discovered America, he met the Indians and called them that because they looked like the Asian Indians because of their skin colors. And when he came back to Europe, he told everyone about it and they all decided to see the place itself and replace the 'original' Americans.

Yeah, that's how much I know about 'Merica. Anyway, as promised I dedicated someone to this chapter, and some characters will make an appearance. (There aren't really that much comments so I'll be putting more characters to it.)

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