It had all come crashing down one day. They were all at the burrow, sitting around the large table and enjoying the lunch that Mrs Weasley had made. Conversations were flowing but Hermione found herself not being able to concentrate, she had a feeling that something was about to happen, something bad and she had learnt to always trust her feelings, they had never let her down before.

"Spitfire, are you okay?" George questioned quietly, not wanting to divert others' attention onto her. She had grown extremely close to the twins, along with Bill and Charlie and she truly felt that they were her older brothers, whereas Harry was her younger brother.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She responded with a smile that she hoped looked convincing. He raised an eyebrow, one that showed he didn't believe me for a second. I let out a sigh and ran my hands down my face in frustration.

"I don't know Georgie, I have a bad feeling" His face immediately morphed to one of concern, he was well aware of the type of feeling she was experiencing because he had the same feeling. He opened his mouth to respond, but they were interrupted by an owl that swooped in through the window, landing on her shoulder.

"Who's owl is that, dear?" Mrs Weasley asked with a confused frown. Hermione shrugged her shoulders and unravelled the newspaper from the owl's legs.

"The daily prophet?" Harry said with a crinkled nose. They had stopped reading the Prophet after all the horrible things they were saying about Harry in their fifth year.

"I don't even have a subscription with them anymore" Hermione sighed before opening the paper up. As her eyes landed on the front cover, her heart dropped and her eyes blurred with tears.

"Mione?" She could hear Harry calling her name, but she couldn't take her eyes off the picture that was plastered on the front page. She passed the paper to Harry, who was watching her with concern and confusion, however, the moment he saw the front cover, his expression darkened. He jumped from his seat, his wand in hand and pointed it straight at Ron.

"You" He shouted with pure venom, everyone was on their feet and watching the exchange warily.

"What the fuck are you doing, mate?" Ron responded, his wand pointing back at Harry. Hermione remained in her seat, shaking with anger whilst Ginny was trying her hardest to calm her down.

"Have you seen what's on the front cover? have you seen what you have done?" Everyone looked at one another before Charlie grabbed the paper. They all gathered around him, except Ron, who remained in Harry's line of fire. The room was quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. They all turned their attention onto Ron, who was still unaware of what was shown.

"How could you?" Charlie asked through clenched teeth, a gasp from Mrs Weasley was heard but no one paid her any attention.

"How could I what?" Ron responded in frustration.

"How could you cheat on her?" Fred shouted, causing everyone to jump slightly at his outburst. Ron's eyes widened and his face drained of colour, he turned his attention onto Hermione who remained seated but was now sobbing into Ginny's shoulder.

"Mione" He whispered as he took a step forward, but was met with an invisible wall. Everyone looked at Harry with a questionable expression, but he shook his head and they could see the confusion on his face.

"Let me through, Harry" Ron shouted, his fists banging against the Protection shields.

"You will not come near me, Ronald" Hermione demanded, her jaw clenched and her hands curled into a fist. She raised from her seat, her expression was cold and unnerving but her body continues to shake from anger.

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