Full Moon

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"This way.Careful of the root."I mewed to Scorchkit,who barely managed to avoid the root in time.He leapt over a rock and sped up to trot beside me,his tongue lolling outside his mouth.

Twigkit raced to keep up with us,his paws slipping on the wet leaves on the forest floor. "Wait..up!"

I slowed a bit,letting the small,brown tom-kit walk beside us.

"It's such a lovely day!"Twigkit hummed,staring around the woods.

"It's so pwetty!"Scorchkit agreed eagerly,sniffing deeply.A bug flew up his nose as he did so,causing him to cough a few times.

I noticed that the two littermates had become a lot closer since their sister's passing.They depended on each other,hung out more and seemed to agree more.Which was good.
Their friendship and love for one another was strong,and that's very nice.

"So,this is the tree I once climbed with,
Nightstorm."I pointed my muzzle toward the looming oak tree.

"I wanna cwimb it!"Scorchkit mewed,jumping onto the tree and hooking his soft,tiny claws into the dirty,hard bark.He shrieked as the bark gave way and he crashed a few inches down on the ground.He shook his fur out,giggling.

"Careful! You don't want to hurt yourself.Be slower,and much more gentle."I instructed.

"Like this?"Twigkit stuck both his front paws in the bark,then his two back legs.Then he slowly climbed up a bit,testing the bark with a paw before digging into it.He climbed a few more feet,than started back down,jumping and landing beside me lightly.

"Good."I praised Twigkit,who ducked his head.

"I'm bored!"Scorchkit whined. "I wanna go swimming!"

"Hmm,I suppose we could go swimming for a bit.Not long though."I led the two mewling kits over to a medium sized puddle. "Here,pretend it's the ocean."

"Yay!"Scorchkit shrieked,leaping into the puddle.The water went up to his chest,and water splashed this way and that as he swam around.

Twigkit sat down next to me. "I don't like water."He wrinkled his nose.

Suddenly Scorchkit went still,nose twitching and ears pricked. "You smwell that?"He turned his head to the right.

"No?"I sniffed. "What am I smelling?" All I smelt was mouse,leafy scents,wood and grass.

"I smwell comfwey.Ferretcwoud said he needed swome when I was in the medicine den.I'll get swome for him."He splashed out of the puddle,padding over to a bush.He nosed it aside,and plucked a bit of comfrey from the plant.It had big leaves.

"Let's go back home then."Twigkit sighed,shaking his fur. "I'm tired anyway."

"Alright."I got to my paws. "Need help carrying any comfrey?"I asked Scorchkit.

He shook his head,unable to speak due to the plant stuffed in his mouth.

I led them back home.


I watched as Scorchkit disappeared in the medicine den,smiling slightly.It was good he wanted to help out.
Twigkit waved his tail goodbye,heading into the nursery.

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