Thunder and Rain

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The Clan had been extremely happy to see Nightpaw,covering her in licks and sending her off to rest.

Hornetstar decided being stuck down in a hole for three days was punishment enough,and let her off the hook.

I sat outside the warrior den,looking up at the sky.

The clouds were dark gray and I could tell that a storm was going to come.

My whiskers twitched. "This will be a horrible storm."I muttered.

"Yeah,hopefully we are alright through this whole thing."A voice spoke behind me.

I turned my head to look,and saw that it was Robinfeather who had spoken.

"Hey."I greeted him,and he smiled at me.

Settling down beside me,the brown tom glanced around camp. "Basilfur's kits are growing up strong."He meowed,staring at the two kits play fighting outside the nursery.

Almondkit had his little sister pinned to the ground,his short,brown tail flicking to and fro as he mewed in victory.Hazelkit wriggled underneath him,crying to her mother,who was watching them a few feet away,an amused look on her face. "Almondkit! Don't play so rough with your sister!"

Robinfeather rose to his paws. "Well,I promised I would hunt before the storm hits.See you later,Gingerleaf."

"Bye."I flicked my tail,resting my head on my paws,thinking about my past.

It seemed like my life was going so fast,feeling like yesterday I was in the nursery.

Memories of my littermate flooded my mind,and I closed my eyes in grief.

Why had my life been so difficult?
Cloudyfang and I had been so close when we were little,what had happened to him?

I felt tears threatening to escape my closed eyes,and I squinted them shut even harder,not wanting to cry,for I felt that I would never be able to stop.

"It must be hard being leader of a whole Clan."I muttered.

I glanced at where Hornetstar was explaining patrolling-stuff to some warriors.

He seemed so good at his job,what would happen when he died?

Geckopuddle was a good deputy,that was for sure,but a good leader?

Shrugging to myself,I headed into the warrior den,feeling a light spray of rain on my fur.

"The storm has began."I meowed to Tinystorm,who was washing herself in den.

She looked at me,pausing from licking her paw. "That's not good,I haven't even been out for a hunt yet."

"Well you hunted last night,it should be fine."I shrugged,lying down beside her.

The rain started falling harder,faster.The warriors started piling in the den,shaking their wet fur and cuddling up next to other cats to stay warm.

Hornetstar poked his head in the den. "Some of you may come in my den,it's way too crowded with all the warriors in here."

Some cats meowed gratefully,and got to their paws,following the leader out.

Dusksky got to her paws,shoving Volepoppy out of the way as the two cats made their way out of the den.
Volepoppy staggered to the right a bit,before following the she-cat out.

"Are you going to go to the leaders den?"I asked Tinystorm.

She shook her head. "It's much better in here,plus I don't want to leave you here."

I blinked gratefully at my best friend,cuddling up next to her.

"I hope Robinfeather is okay,he said he was going hunting."I murmured,my eyes heavy and tired.

Flicking my tail,I closed my eyes,thunder rumbling quietly in the distance.

Hopefully Robinfeather gets back safely...I thought,as I drifted into sleep.

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