God our comforter

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Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort with which we are comforted of God.

2 Corinthians 1:4

In every season of our lives, doubts and anxiety fill our minds that will sometimes change our hearts when we fail to surrender it all to God. So it's really important to be always aware of God's presence, that He is always with us no matter how sinful we are. But there are times in our lives that anxiety, pressure, and doubts come into our everyday life and it is one of the hardest battles most of us are facing nowadays. This thing keeps us away from God and it will affect our spiritual maturity if we don't stand firm on our faith. 

So as a daughter of Christ who also faces the same battle every day I always choose to stand firm and fight all of the pressures of life that cause me to be anxious and doubt God and myself incapable of doing some things. Yes it's true life is hard and depressing most of the time but that's the main reason we need God in our lives. Because without God we are nothing, without Him we will be blinded by the sins of this world and without Him, we can't feel or understand what Love means.

We should always remember that when life seems to be hard and our hearts are heavy we should run to God. Because He is the one who can give us true comfort that will last forever, plus the Joy and Peace that He will give to you is one of the best things you could ever feel. Trust me you can't receive this kind of Love, Peace, and Joy from anyone else in this world because only God can give that. 

He is our great comforter so don't just stay wherever you are stuck with right now, stand up and pray. Because the more you stay in that dark place, the more you lose and weaken your spiritual life. When life gets hard pray, read the word, tell all your problems to Him, and ask for help from your friends or church leaders. Always remember that Jesus is always there, His arms are always wide open to embrace all of our flaws and give unconditional love to all of us. He is always there ready to comfort us, so stand firm!

When life gives you pressure, run to God for He will give you treasure.

Ps. The treasure I mean on my qoute above talks about the fruits of the Holy Spirit which are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity.

Thanks for reading and God bless!

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