Part 13

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"Dani ?! My God!!"
"How did it happen??"
"Can somebody help her?"

The mix of their voices above my head, only made the situation worse.

Was this the lowest moment of my life, so far?
Not sure, the day I left Andres could definitely compete.

This certainly was the worst moment of my life.
To fall into a pool at such a prestigious event, with so many people around watching me .. some with horror mixed with pity on their faces and others, trying to hide their laughter...

'Well done, Dani!'

And of course, the highlight of my life- falling into a pool, while my ex-husband and his new girlfriend watching me..
This was definitely a new record, even for me.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What now?'

The angry stares of a group of elderly ladies, covered in too many diamonds, made me see the absurdity of the situation, and I started laughing, while swimming towards the stairs.

As I came out of the pool, slightly shivering and trying my best to ignore the worried voices around me, the wet fabric of my dress sticking to my body and my hair dripping wet, I suddenly felt a large towel wrapped around my body.

"Everyone, please go back and continue enjoying your evening! Everything's fine!"

It was Andres' firm voice beside me.
His arm wrapped around my shoulders and he led me briskly towards the back exit of the garden.

"I'm coming with you, Dani! I'll help you" Laura called in a panting voice, as she hurried to reach us.

"No need for that, Laura!" Miguel loudly intervened.

"As you can see, there are enough servants here who can help, I'm sure Mr. Moreno will take care of everything" he added.

A tremor ran through me while I walked with my dress and shoes wet, as people moved to let us pass.

"Just another minute, princess and it's over" Andres said in a low voice.

The estate had a main building and two separate wings on either side, which were probably added at a later time.
I immediately understood where Andres was leading me, it was to the western wing, where we lived when we were married.

As we approached the building and it was clear that no guests were walking around the area, and we were away from unwanted eyes, Andres suddenly picked me up and effortlessly carried me in his arms, despite all my immediate protests.

"What do you think you're doing?! I'm perfectly able to walk on my own!!"

"Your shoes are soaked, you will injure yourself if you keep walking like that!" He hissed impatiently.

My heart started racing, and the closeness to his warm body dazzled me. 
That strange sensation, managed to silence me immediately.

I was angry at myself for this, and at him, for making me feel that way..

When we entered the building, he took me to the spacious bedroom suite, which we shared together five years ago, and lowered me to the floor in front of the adjoining bathroom door.

"Take a shower, some of the clothes you left behind are still here, you can use them, they are still in the same place.. or you can take something of mine.."
He said as his gaze fluttered over my body.

"I don't want to shower here, I want to go home! I left my bag with Miguel..Please ask for it to be brought here, I want to call a taxi!"

"You need to get out of this wet dress, you can't go anywhere like that, dry yourself and change clothes .. "

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