026 ♡

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(I feel like this chapter is kinda all over since it was rushed a bit, so please don't come at me if this just seems wrong or off. My life is kinda bad right now but you guys make is better with your comments!!! Please don't be screamed or shy to tell me if I should fix anything and yes yes some words might be spelled wonkey :) )

"Yo Ash, have you seen Y... Oh fuck." Fezco stood at the door.

He dropped his phone on the ground, not caring if it broke. Ashtray and y/n separated quickly, trading looks of fear. Fezco looked at y/n for a bit then looked over to Ashtray. He wasn't disgusted or furious, he was kinda disappointed and maybe just a bit betrayed.

Fezco saw himself as an easy to come to guy, someone people could come to. He was sweet, really. He cared for others. Fezco didn't like violence...unless it was needed. Fezco thought he was close with Ashtray and y/n. Him and y/n were like best friends. Fezco and Ashtray were close too, but like he said before, Apparently not now. When y/n first came, she would come to him with problems. He was there for her when she started her period, when she needed bras or pads, when she started maturing into the beautiful girl she had become.


"Um, Mr.F-fez?" Y/n walked into Fezco's room.

"Sup?" Fezco questioned.

"I- I think I'm dying." Y/n stuttered, fear written all over her face.

"What you mean?" Fezco got up from his bed.

"I'm bleeding." Y/n covered her face, turning into a sob.

"Oh fuck. Is it coming from uh you know?" Fezco asked.

"Yes." Y/n swiped her tears.

"Okay uh. Go to the bathroom and just s-sit there okay. I'll be right back." Fezco rushed out the room.

"Okay." Y/n walked to the bathroom.

Fezco got into his car, driving to the nearest corner store. He didn't even shut the car off when he jumped out and ran into the store. He bust throw the door, breathing heavily.

"Where the fuck are the stupid blood absorbers?!" Fezco yelled.

"Aisle 12." The woman pointed, showing the stressed man.

"Thanks." Fezco speed-walked to the aisle.

Fezco got into the aisle, confused as hell. Different brands, different coloring, Fezco wasn't really taught to take care of a woman, he only knew that women liked to be loved by a man whom sounded like he came straight from a book. His grandma didn't tell him nothing, only how to make a blunt, and shave. He would see his grandma's tampons but she told him those were for older women, women how have had sex or some sort of dick in them. Or just they were whores and had a loose vagina.

"Can I get some help ma'am?" Fezco asked, walking back up to the counter.

"Of course. What can I do for ya?" The woman dressed in a uniform insisted.

"So uh, I'm not good with things like this and uh I need help with which brand thingy thing is best." Fezco stuttered, playing with his sweaty hands.

Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now