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The whole way back was silent, awkward silence. Y/n wanted to ask Fezco what happened, but the timing wasn't right. She was also thinking about the kiss her and Ashtray shared.

Did I force him?

Does he not see me in the way?

Did I mess up our friendship?

She couldn't talk about it with Fezco or Rue, they would lose it of course. But those were really her only other friends.

Her and Maddy would talk only when Rue would bring or invite Maddy. Y/n didn't like Cassie, there was just something off about her. Jules was cool, all she did was talk about Rue and they're "friends with benefits" relationship.


When they arrived, Fezco went to the bathroom to shower. Y/n and Ashtray went to Ashtray's room, laying on his bed.

"My head hurts." Y/n cried, placing her hand on her head. 

"We call that a pre-hang over." Ashtray informed her.

Y/n rested her head on Ashtray's chest. Y/n and Ashtray loved to cuddle, but Fezco thought it was "inappropriate" for two teens to do it. She just loved to hug people, especially her best friends.

"You did drink like 4 cups of that drink I made." Ashtray admitted, putting his arm around her.

"Actually I think it was about 6 or 7. I stopped counting after 3. And I kinda free handed it." Y/n giggled.

"Of course you did." Ashtray laughed.

"Whatever." Y/n said, closing her eyes.

"Hey hey don't go to sleep, you haven't showered. I can smell it too, beh." Ashtray joked, covering his nose.

"Shut up, have you smelt yourself? You smell worser than Fezco after Taco Bell nights." Y/n joked back, getting up from his bed.

"You're just smelling yourself now." Ashtray laughed while y/n left his room to shower.

"You're so funny Ashtray." Y/n rolled her eyes.


She grabbed her towel from behind her door, bringing one of Fezco's shirts and her undergarments with her. Fezco had so many t-shirts that he would sometimes give them to Y/n or Ashtray, mostly y/n. Ashtray was picky.

Y/n liked to wait for the shower to get super hot and foggy, to where she struggled to breathe. She knew it was weird, but she loved almost passing out while showering in steaming hot water. It made her feel more alive. Death didn't scare her. She thought of it as another stage in the game we call "life".


While y/n showered, Fezco sat on his bed. He stared at his hands, thinking about what he did. He didn't feel sorry for Nate though. Nate deserved that for everything he did to Jules and Rue.

Fezco stripped down to just his boxers, laying down going to sleep. He was proud about how bad he fucked up Nate fucking Jacobs.


Y/n finished showering, dressing herself in her clothes. Her hair was wet as she brushed through it, tempting to get most of the tangles out while it was wet. She walked out the bathroom, towards her room. She grabbed her hair products that she uses so her hair doesn't get dry or tangled. She took her stuff to his room, barging through the door.

"Your turn." Y/n stated, placing her things on his dresser.

"Finally, I thought you died in there." Ashtray chuckled, grabbing his change of clothes. He walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"You're lucky I didn't." Y/n whispered to herself.


After Fezco beat the living shit out of Nate, he was rushed to the hospital.

"Man, we gotta get him to the hospital." McKay said, helping to carry Nate to Maddy's car.

Cassie, Maddy, McKay all carried him into the car.

"Ugh he's so heavy! Open the door, it's unlocked." Maddy Informed them.

They placed him in the back with Cassie. He grabbed onto Cassie's hand with what little strength he had. Nate didn't know what made him so soft for Cassie. Yeah she was pretty, she had nice boobs too, but it was something else. Nate and Maddy's relationship was always a game. On and off all the time. Cassie was

Cassie was a sweet girl, vulnerable most of the time. Ever since her father left at a young age, she's fallen in love with every boy she's dated. Though, they only wanted one thing from her. I don't think I need to spell it out.

Maddy brought the worst out in him. Made him do things to her that we would never do. He believed that if he met Cassie in his sophomore year, he would have been a better person. Maybe if he never met Maddy, we wouldn't be in this situation. But Nate loved Maddy, no matter what. Even if they would break up, he knew he would find his way back to her.


Ashtray finished showering, changing into his clothes. He brought his towel with him, and he opened the door to his bedroom. Ashtray usually wore no shirt to sleep and just shorts. He saw y/n laying down on his bed.

"Y/n? You up?" Ashtray called.

"No." Y/n responded, turning over to see Ashtray at the door.

"Why are you in my bed?" Ashtray questioned again whole he placed his towel behind his door.

"Because I'm bored." Y/n answered again.

"Okay then I guess." Ashtray stopped, placing his towel behind his door.

He walked over to his bed, laying beside y/n. They laid side by side, facing towards the roof. Y/n was biting on her fingernails, the reason why she never got them done. Ashtray yawned as he closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry for kissing you Ashtray."


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