002 ♡

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"Yo, why you just like walking around at like 2 in the fucking morning? Where you going lil homie?" The man said.

"No offense sir but, I shouldn't be talking to a stranger at night." Y/n responded, walking away from the high man.

The man looked at her carrying a bag, a body bag that couldn't close due to how many items were in the bag. He frowned a bit as he grabbed her arm.

"Wait lil kid.. uh I could like, let you stay with me? If that's coo wit you girl. I don't mind, plus would be nice to have more company." The man stopped Y/n.

"Um no thank you sir. Wouldn't it be strange for me to go home with an older man, I'm only 11. Wouldn't it look like kidnapping? Is this some sort of trafficking?And I don't even know your name." Y/n reasoned with the man.

"Im Fezco, see now you know my name. Come on, I feel bad leaving a child on the street like that, you feel me? I swear on my dyin grandma I ain't into that pedo shi." Fezco reasoned back.

"I guess so, if you do anything like that I'll call the cops on you." Y/n finally agreed.

"Deal." Fezco opened the door for her.


Y/n and Fezco sit in awkward silence in his car. She doesn't know what got into her mind. She would never trust a stranger, especially a high one. But she felt like she could trust him, that he wouldn't hurt her. Maybe it was a look in his eyes, or just his tone. But she believed she could trust him.

Y/n watched as she passed many buildings. Some big ones, little ones, medium ones. She felt for the first time in her life, that she didn't have the whole world in her hands. Yeah she just met him, but she felt like heaven sent him to help her.

"Yo lil kid." Fezco called.

"Yes Mr.Fezco?" Y/n answered."

"You ain't gotta use those manners and shit it's weird. But what's your name? I told you mine, so you gotta tell me yours. Plus you gon stay wit me so it would be nice to get ya name. " Fezco said.

"It's Y/n.... Y/n L/n and I'm sorry. I didn't even notice." Y/n introduced herself.

"Y/n? That's a dope ass name kid. Nah it's cool, good thing to have respect. But with me, you can just chill you know? Fezco ended the convo.


Soon they arrived, Fezco offered to take her bag inside. She was so overworked and exhausted. He unlocked and opened the door for her. Y/n noticed that his house was surprisingly clean and smelt pretty good. She seated herself on the couch as Fezco went into a room.

"Ayo kid, come here!" Fezco called for her.

Y/n gets up slowly walking into the hall. She noticed more rooms, both doors shut. Once she entered the room Fezco was in, she saw him plugging in a nightlight for her.

"You can sleep in my bed. I'ma crash on the couch. Yo bag is over there, and yeah. Night kid." Fezco stated, shutting the door behind him.

Y/n looked around at her surroundings, studing everything. She noticed how clean this guy was. Even though he kinda smelt like weed. His closet was sorted out, same with his shoes. All his shoes looked brand new. His comforters smelt like the nursing home she used to deliver newspapers to.

Y/n felt weird, yet enlightened at the same time. She felt as if she was back at home. She couldn't think of a name for it but it felt good. Felt good knowing someone cared for her, even if they just met. She was glad she agreed to coming alone, who knows what would have happened to her on the streets alone. As she crawled into bed, exhausted from everything, she drifted off to a needed sleep.


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