015 ♥︎

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"Holy shit." Ashtray whispered, dropping his hand from y/n's face.

She wore a black skeleton shirt, with black jean shorts, black converse, hair down and puffy like always, and her signature maroon jacket. It was her father's before he passed of cancer, it always reminded her to keep pushing even when times get hard.

There stood a "good friend" of Fezco, Rue.

They were like drug buddies, Fezco would sometimes give her drugs. But ever since she got out of rehab last year, he wouldn't risk being the cause of her death, possibly.

"What the actual fuck. Fezco is gonna fuck you up Ashtray. Wait..WHAT THE FUCK! OH MY GOD. ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING OR SOMETHING??? WAIT ARE YOU GUYS LIKE DATING BEHIND FEZCO'S BACK??? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?" Rue yelled, causing eyes to wonder their way.

"Rue, get in the car and I'll explain." Y/n ordered seriously, with Rue hoping into the back. Rue opened the door, closing it after she sat down.

Ashtray started the car, ready to drive to nowhere.

"Ready when you are." Rue spat, crossing her arms.


They drove for about 2 hours while y/n had told Rue everything. It felt good for her to finally get everything off her chest. She was the type to keep everything to herself and listen to other people's problems.

Rue liked to mostly rant but listen too, which made her a good friend in that area. Rue had a lot of mental disorders such as ADHD, bipolar, anxiety, depression, and BPD. But it never stopped her from caring and being the sweetest at times.

Sometimes her bipolar disorder would kick in and she would get frustrated or start crying but it didn't bother y/n. She thought of it as different people trapped inside Rue's body, and they each wanted to live freely.

Rue was calm when they talked though. She didn't know if it was just their bond that made her calm, or Rue just having a shoulder to cry on, but it felt pretty fucking good.


"So basically, we aren't doing anything like that. We made out on New Years, and have been kinda doing it since then? DO NOT TELL FEZCO PLEASE RUE, I'M BEGGING YOU!" Y/n summarized, crying to Rue.

"Holy shit. So like, you guys haven't been doing whatever for that long. That's cute I guess. I just don't want you to get pregnant and have to get an abortion like Cassie or give birth to ugly babies." Rue laughed, earning a small chuckle from y/n too.

"Hey, you said our kids would be cute." Ashtray jokingly defended, no moving his gaze from the road.

"No, that was Jules. Don't even get me mixed up with perfection! You guys would have crack addict kids." Rue laughed back, looking out the window.

"Enough about babies. It's making me uncomfortable." Y/n laughed, resting her head on Rue's shoulder.


Ashtray stopped in a random parking lot near Rue's house. Before she got off Ashtray locked the doors.

"Listen, I know I don't know you that well, but don't tell Fezco no matter what. I know you wouldn't do it for me but do it for y/n. I don't want to risk losing her over secrets. So please just keep it to yourself or little people?" Ashtray pleaded, not looking back.

"Of course. I love y/n, she's one of my best friends. I'd do anything for her, even murder. I promise I won't say anything Ashtray." Rue promised, smiling a little.

Ashtray never really showed emotion. He was like a talking rock, no facial expressions on the outside but had words with meaning. Rue had never really talked to him other then for drugs and those dumb matching tattoos with Jules. She knew Ashtray always meant business, even with promise.

Even the hardest mother-fuckers could be sweethearts and caring. Who knew Ashtray could be a sucker for y/n?

"Thanks Rue. Means a lot, see you soon I guess." Ashtray thanked her, turning his head to see Rue exit the car. She shut the door, walking off into the distance.

He turned to his right, looking back, to see y/n sleeping on the seat longways. She laid on her back, facing the roof of the car.


The sunset began, making the sky a tangerine pink color. The clouds gave into the blooming sky, turning more bright than the sky itself. The sky faded from the top being a gloomy lavender, fading into a rich tangerine pink.

The sun disappeared more and more by the hours. Ashtray liked seeing sunsets and stars glowing, it reminded him of y/n.

Her beautiful e/c eyes are the sun, shining bright as they always did. Her lips are the pink-tangerine color. Her cheeks are the clouds that reflect off the sky, making the color look more defined and bright. Her personality was the saddened lavender in the sky.

The shadow-lavender was a soft, yet harsh color. Ashtray thought of y/n as the idiom of beauty, yet harsh origin. That's what made her y/n. She had been through so much, she still stood high and mighty full of power.

And he loved her for that.


Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now