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"Who's ready to get fucked the fuck up at this party?" Fezco yelled, driving off.

Y/n loved going for drives with Fezco and Ashtray. Even if it was just down the street, she loved being together with both of them. Fezco taught Ashtray how to drive for his 14th birthday. Y/n couldn't wait to drive. She wanted to take long midnight drives, just her and the Earth. And maybe with Ashtray.


They finally arrived at Virgil's house. They had to park in the grass because the driveway was full of cars.

"Ash, stay with y/n, I got sum biz to handle." Fezco ordered.

"Alright I guess." Ashtray responded.

Fezco had rushed inside, leaving Ashtray and Y/n alone outside still.

"You ready to enter the den?" Ashtray joked, holding his arm out for her.

"I sure am." Y/n laughed, holding onto his arm.

Ashtray was nervous. Yeah sure he was used to being close to y/n but tonight felt different. He felt as if something would happen tonight.

Ashtray and y/n walked in to hear loud music and see people dance. Ashtray went to the kitchen to make a drink for himself. Y/n wasn't a drinker of course, yet she always wondered what it felt like to be drunk or taste alcohol. What was so addicting about it? She waited for Ashtray to finish making whatever it was, grabbing his arm when he did finish.

They walked to the back of the house, where the pool was. Ashtray and y/n sat under a tree, away from everyone. Ashtray would take a sip out of his cup every now and then, while y/n rested her head on his shoulder.

"Y/n?" Ashtray broke the silence. He wasn't sober but sober at the same time.

"Yes Ash?" Y/n asked, keeping her head on his shoulder.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" Ashtray said, putting his arm around her.

"Shut up, I'm not beautiful or pretty." Y/n responded, blushing.

"No, you shut the fuck up you are so beautiful, you know it too. I bet half these boys here wish they knew you like I do." Ashtray told her. He wanted to kiss her, right here right now. But it wasn't appropriate timing.

"Whatever Ash. You believe what you want and I'll do the same." Y/n hushed him.


Ashtray got up from their spot, to get another drink.
Y/n looked around, observing. She felt that all her life she was an observer, until she met Fezco and Ashtray. They made her feel like she was a part of something, without having to give anything.

As she looked around, she spotted Ashtray coming back with a new cup. She smiled at him, receiving a smile back. He sat back down, and y/n put her head on his shoulder again.

"Ash." Y/n said.

"Yes?" Ashtray responded.

"Can I try some of...that?" Y/n asked, pointing at his cup. She didn't know what came over here, but she wanted to get drunk with Ashtray.

Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now