The Graveyard

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I felt myself being transported just like at the Quidditch World Cup. Everything twisted and turned all around me, until it stopped. We were all tossed in separate directions. When I looked around, I didn't like where I was. No fans, no cheers, no music to welcome us all back. The air was dark, thin fog across the ground, very eerie. No, Harry, Cedric and I were in a Graveyard.

    "You two, okay?" Cedric asked as he got up off the ground.

    "Yeah. Thanks." I nodded as he lent me a hand and pulled me up.

    "Yeah. You?" Harry asked.

Cedric nodded and began to look around curiously. I looked around from where I had fallen to see a Reaper statue next to me. I furrowed my brow at the statue as it looked familiar. Crows cawed all around us, the air was cool and foggy.

    "Where are we?" Cedric wondered.

    "Harry." I whispered, staring at the stone before me. He had walked up beside me and looked at the stone next to the reaper statue.

    "I've been here before." Harry stated cautiously.

    "Me too." I said. "In our dream."

    "It's a portkey." Cedric said fans instead, examining the Triwizard Cup. "Harry, Olivia, the cup is a portkey."

    "Cedric, we've been here before. It's not safe." I said immediately.

Harry touched the lettering on the stone : TOM RIDDLE 1905-1945. Tom Riddle's father's grave.

    "Cedric!" Harry called out. Cedric walked over near us both as we examined the gravesite. "We all have to get back to the cup. Now!"

    "What are you talking about?" Cedric questioned with furrowed brows.

The sound of a door creaking open, caught all of our attention. Harry and I both screamed in agony as our scar's began to burn the most intensely they ever had. Wormtail walked out from the doorway, cradling a bundle of blankets in his arms. A cauldron in the graveyard sat on top of a fire that lit suddenly. Cedric dashed over to Harry and I, as we were bent over due to the pain in our heads.

    "Olivia, Harry, what is it?" Cedric asked urgently.

    "You've got to get back to the cup!" I hissed in pain.

    "Get back to the cup." Harry reiterated as he didn't move.

I looked up to see the inhuman form of Voldemort in Wormtail's arms. My scar scorched like a white hot branding iron. He looked sort of like a shriveled up baby, only much less human. Cedric, being the brave and selfless human being, stood near us protectively. His wand aimed at the intruding people.

    "Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric demanded.

    "Kill the spare." Voldemort hissed.

    "Avada Kedavra!" Wormtail said, wand pointed at Cedric.

    "NO DON'T!" I screamed.

The blast of green light shot forth from the wand in Wormtail's hand. Cedric's body spun through the air, before landing on the grounds still.

    "No, Cedric!" Harry screamed.

    "Cedric!" I cried out.

I tried to make a dash towards his body, but I cried out suddenly, struggling to move. Wormtail had the wand aimed at me, making my body begin to float in the air backwards. Harry was lifted next to me and we both were suddenly trapped by the Reaper statue's scythe. We both struggled to try and get free as Voldemort and Wormtail watched.

The Potter Twins: Book 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang