The First Task

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This was it. The day of the first task in the tournament. I woke up early, gathered my wand, my potion and put on my red and black uniform. Representing Gryffindor for Hogwarts and made my way down to the arena they had made specially for the task. Loud fanfare filled the air and the closer I got the more I tried to shake my nerves away. One thing I desperately wished for was Ron. He always had a way of making me feel better when I felt nervous. Only, he wasn't taking to me and likely hated my guts still.

I was almost down to the tent, until I felt a hand grab mine and pull me into the tree's, hiding us away from view. A cold hand clamped over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I quickly yanked it off and turned around to see the cold grey eyes and platinum blonde hair of Draco Malfoy.

"Oh, screw you! You scared me half to death!" I sighed and grabbed my racing heart.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Olivia." Draco rolled his eyes. "I came down early, knowing you'd be here early too."

"Why? Come to tell me you hope I burn to death by dragon fire?" I teased and he smirked.

"I mean, you're close." He chuckled, probably the first he's ever genuinely laughed in front of me. "I came to tell you that I really hope you don't die today. It would suck to have to pick up on your half of the homework."

"Oh, how kind of you." I said sarcastically.

"Okay, jokes aside. I really hope you don't die today." Draco admitted honestly and I was shocked. "I've sort of come to... Being around you sort of... Okay, I've grown accustomed to being around you, all right? There's nothing more to it. I swear, Olivia, do not die, all right?"

"Aww, Draco Malfoy really does have a heart. You know, you've rather grown on me too. Even though you can still be an annoying git when you want to be." I pointed out.

"I suppose I deserve that, even though I did give you a compliment without insulting you." Draco retorted. "But it's progress. Good luck." He stuck out his hand and I shook it, before quickly pulling him in for a hug. He gasped and it took a moment, but he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. "Okay. T-That's enough." He stuttered and pulled away.

I laughed and left the tree to get to the tent. Once I entered, there was privacy walls in place, creating 5 small areas to be in. With a big living room like center. The other contestants entered and we all sat around waiting as the stands filled with students and spectators for the matches. I sat quietly on one of the couches and Viktor came to sit with me.

"Are you nervous?" He asked quietly.

"A little. You?" I whispered back.

"Eh, about to go against a Dragon? Should be no problem, no? I kid. I'm a bit nervous myself." He chuckled. "But we are both great and we will do great. Yeah?"

"Yeah. We got this." I nodded at him. Viktor lifted my hands and kissed them both on the knuckles. A flash went off and we both looked up surprised to see Rita Skeeter. She shrugged and quickly left. "That woman is really annoying."

We all waited around a while longer, Harry and I paced by our rooms together opposite the others. Until Dumbledore's voice boomed over the speakers.

"Your attention, please. This is a great day for all of us." Dragon roars filled the air until Dumbledore continued. "Each of the three tasks involve very considerable danger. Please keep your seats at all times. This will minimize any risk you may be exposed to."


Harry and I both looked around as we heard the sound.

"Psst!" It happened again and we both moved closer to the tent wall.

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