Defense Against The Dark Arts

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The next morning we all had Defense Against the Dark Arts, with our new teacher Professor Moody. The older student who had him first yesterday told us all about how demented and yet, brilliant he was. Everyone seemed to be fairly excited about getting to his class, but I was weary. I didn't believe that anyone could measure up to Professor Lupin, and he made me feel cautious for some strange reason.

"Alastor Moody." He stated starting off the class. "Ex-Auror, Ministry malcontent. And your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, good bye, the end." He stated heavily. "Any questions?"

Everyone in the room stayed silent. Simply staring up at him and waiting for whatever was going to come next. Hermione, as usual, was my desk partner.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

"Three, sir." Hermione answered him cautiously.

"And they are so named?" Professor Moody asked roughly as he wrote along the chalkboard behind him.

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any of of them will..." Hermione answered again.

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct." Moody answered the rest for her, getting his teeth as he turned around towards the class. "Now, the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curse do. I say different!" My eyes widened at his words. Surely he was not about to show them in the classroom. He turned back to the chalkboard and began writing roughly. "You need to now what you're up against! You need to be prepared! You need to find another place for your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnegan!"

We all gasped and turned seeing Seamus about to put gum underneath his desk. Professor Moody's back had been turned at the time and how he knew was crazy.

"Ah, no way." Seamus groaned quietly. "The old codger can see out the back of his head."

Suddenly, Moody turned back around and chucked the piece of chalk in his hand at Seamus, making nearly everybody in the room flinch.

"And hear across classrooms!" He shouted angrily. "So, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!" He boomed.

"Yes?" Ron gulped as Mad-Eye approached his and Harry's desk.

"Stand!" Professor Moody demanded. Ron gulped and cautiously stand to his feet. "Give us a curse."

"Well, my Dad did tell me about one..." Ron said nervously and Moody nodded. "The Imperius Curse."

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why."

We all watched as Professor Moody walked back to the front of the class. He reached inside a glass, greeting the spider like creature and stopping it up in his hands.

"Hello. Lovely little beauty." He pulled out his wand and aimed it at the little bug. "Engorgio." He casted and the spider-like creature grew a bit bigger. "Imperio!" He chatted harshly.

He flung the spider off his own hand with his wand, controlling her to move where ever he so chose. Professor Moody made her go to Dean and Neville's desk. Dean gasped and scooted away from the bug as far as he could.

"Don't worry!" Moody said and moved her again. She landed on Crabbe's face and he squealed, making most of the room laugh. I didn't, I frowned. "It's completely harmless." He laughed as he moved it across the room and she began crawling up Padma Patil's hand. He moved her again and hovered the creature above Ron's head. "If she bites..." He dropped her on his head. "She's lethal!"

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