The Yule Ball

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I was sitting in the common room with Hermione and Harry. Harry was sadly laying on the couch with his egg, as he had tried to ask Cho Chang to the Ball, but she already had a date. I was sitting on the floor trying to figure out how to possibly hear what the clue was without the incessant screeching that occurred whenever the egg would open. Of course, not having much luck and being rather annoyed by that and the fact that Ron had tried to ask me as a last resort. Suddenly, Ginny and a few other girls were helping Ron into the Common Room.

"It's okay, Ron." Ginny assured her brother. "It's all right. I-It doesn't matter."

I quickly scrambled off the floor, while Harry leapt off the couch. Hermione ran over from the table and we all circled Ron. He looked positively paler than normal, his face was filled with shock.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked our friend concerned.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Ginny explained as they got him seated.

"He what?!" I gasped. I knelt down in front of him, rubbing one of his knees. Ron's hand shook as it found it's way to mine, covering over it.

"What'd she say?" Harry asked curiously.

"No, of course." Hermione frowned.

Ron mumbled and shook his head back in forth, making the three of us gasp.

"She said yes?!" I gasped.

I covered my mouth with my other available hand and Ron's eyes opened looking down into mine. I knew I didn't have the right, but I couldn't help but feel the overwhelming bubbling of jealousy in the pit of my stomach. Ron adored the Veela charm, much more than anyone else we knew. And Fleur was really pretty even without it. How could someone like me ever compete with someone like that? Ron seemed to sense that I was distressed about it, as he gave my hand a gentle subtle squeeze.

"Don't be silly." Ron said softly. "There she was, walking by. You know how I like it when they walk." Ron explained and I rolled my eyes, continuing to listen. "I couldn't help it. It just sort of slipped out." Ron said whimpering in embarrassment.

"Actually, he sort of screamed at her. It was a bit frightening." Ginny added.

"Well, what did you do then?" Harry asked him gently.

"What else? I ran for it." Ron stated. "I'm not cut of for this, Harry. I-I don't know what got into me."

"It's okay, Ron. I'm sure you'll find someone to go with." I assured him sweetly.

"HI, Harry." Parvati said as she walked by.

Harry looked like he suddenly had an idea. He chased after her asking her to go to the ball. Begging to see if she had anyone that Ron could go with. She agreed and promised to ask her sister, Padma, for Ron. The room cleared a bit and I sat with Ron on the couch for a little while, before getting ready to head up for bed. As I got up to leave Ron grabbed my hand and pulled me back down to the couch.

"Now that I've been quite possibly traumatized for the rest of my life, will you please just go with me to the Ball?" He asked nearly begging.

"Ron, I already told you. I can't. I'm going with someone else." I groaned.

"Come on, I'm your best friend. I need a partner and I'm sure a great champion such as yourself needs one too. You don't wanna be dancing out there alone." Ron argued and I huffed pulling my hand away from him.

"What a way with words you have, Ronald Weasley. I told you, I have a date already." I explained, my cheeks pinked as I thought about the way Viktor asked me.

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