Let's Try Quidditch or Trust

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Her cheers of support melded with the others as the game got underway. Harper and Joy held the sign together and shook it as they shouted. But soon the game turned dirty. Oliver Wood was knocked out of goal and Slytherin was mercilessly slaughtering the red and gold team. Her eyes glanced over the box across from her, she noticed some of the other professors were sitting there such as Snape and Quirrell.

The boy! Kill him already!

Harper looked everywhere until she looked up and saw that their seeker was being bucked around by his own broom. She shouted as Harry Potter kept being bucked around until it suddenly stopped. The match was now devastating to watch. Harper took a deep breath, steadying herself as she continued focusing on her own thoughts.

So much for Harpsichord's first match here

George's thought ran through her like a quick breeze. So much for this all working...

When Harry caught the snitch, Harper felt even happier than anyone else. She had managed to stand in a crowd during a quidditch game, something that would've been impossible at her old school. Together with Joy and Lee the three waited for the team to come out of the locker rooms. When the twins, Angelina and Alicia appeared, the two girls waved them over and congratulated them on a job well done. Harper took off her earmuffs, feeling it was safe enough.

Harper flinched at the pounding pressure that encapsulated her, closing her eyes as she thought about lavender and lemon cookies. Something simple, something she could call up quickly, something that was soothing. She opened her eyes when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Harpsichord?" George grinned, raising an eyebrow as Harper slowly relaxed and met his gaze. The pressure was gone the longer she stared into his brown eyes, her heart fluttering and beating hard against her ribs. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on the Hogsmeade trip next weekend together?"

"Wouldn't we all be going?" Harper asked as she grinned at him, behind him the girls face palmed themselves as Fred doubled over laughing, using Lee as a support.

"Possibly," George stammered, "but I was thinking about it just being us this time."

Harper stood there stammering slightly as George's smile faltered slightly, "that would be really nice!"

George grinned, "brilliant." They all began to walk back to the castle, the girls sharing a look that went unnoticed by Harper as she smiled at the back of George's head.

Twenty galleons in my pocket please

At this Harper stopped walking, her smile was gone and her heart felt like it was breaking. The group hadn't noticed Harper had stopped walking with them. She was so transfixed at the ground she hadn't noticed McGonagall standing beside her.

"You did marvelously today, I dearsay the lessons are helping tremendously," she didn't notice Harper's tears until she looked down at the small girl. "Miss Nonemacker?"

Harper shook her head, clearing her throat and giving a curt nod toward her professor before slowly walking up. Harshly wiping her face as she approached the castle.

"Harper! Over here!"



Harper heard them but hurried away, making a break for the secret passage Fred had shown her one day and beating them to the common room. She rushed upstairs and closed her curtains of her bed, charming them so no one could hear her crying. She gripped her pillow and let the tears fall.

Had she only been a bet to him?


"I haven't seen her."

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