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Not edited 📌📌📌📌📌dedicated to everyone giving my book a chance and my lovely silent readers thank you 🫶🏽❤️

Not edited 📌📌📌📌📌dedicated to everyone giving my book a chance and my lovely silent readers thank you 🫶🏽❤️

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When we got to our hotel I carried my baby girl like I would lose her again, kissing her beautiful face.

I kept looking at her in awe, we got to our room and I bathed her and had to make sure that woman didn't hurt my baby.

It was late so we fell asleep we didn't speak I didn't blame Jared, I mean everything came as a surprise to him too it was too much for him.

The morning came and he woke up first and left to sort the shit with his mom I wasn't interested and he didn't push me.

After he left I showered and Aria was sleeping peacefully. I called room services and asked for their breakfast.

I enjoyed it while digesting everything that happened, my life was a movie I swear it was, I hope I get a break from all the drama.

I took a nap after bathing Aria and feeding her.

Got woken up by Jared walking into our hotel he looked tired it broke my heart seeing him so heartbroken and all I can do is be there for him.

He hugged me and kissed me then kissed Aria.

It was around noon and I couldn't wait to go home to our home.

"How did it go ?"

"Rough but Anthony said he will take over because I told him I had to go"

"I'm sorry baby," I said hugging him which turned into a makeup session and almost conceiving our third child but our baby girl disrupted it by crying.

After some time we were ready to go home, his dad was waiting for us and we got to the jet.

We landed home and I was happy I knew Anna was waiting for us at our house because I told her we were coming.

I thanked his father for helping us if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have found Anthony or Ari.

After dropping his dad off we got to our place.

Anna hugged me ...

"Thank you so much for this"

"Don't be silly you know there's nothing I won't do for my Godchildren"

"You traitor" laughing and being dramatic acting like I was hurt.

She laughed kissed them and left.


Both my kids were home and I couldn't be happier.

I put them on our bed and Jared was on the phone I think with his father.

My parents were by the gate asking to come in.

Great just what I need!!!

I opened for them and waited by our door for my mom to remind me of what a failure I am blah blah.....

Serendipitous Love (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt