𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

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After dropping of Jerome's money I was driving around my neighborhood because I wanted everything to make sense, I didn't love Marcus he just left his mark on me, for the first time I realized maybe it's the reason I have been so desperate to prove to my mom and myself that I am worthy of being loved.

I parked outside my school and walked around it didn't look that old they kept it clean I had a bitter-sweet moment, it was closed though probably for recess or something so I could sit there and not be called a psycho.

I thought of me and Marcus...

He played basketball and one day while bouncing his ball around his friend Nate came and took it from him they kept throwing it at each other till it hit my head.

I felt dizzy and before I could hit the floor he caught me and well the rest is kind of history.

He took care of me that day and even took me to the school nurse Mona, I was both annoyed and happy he noticed me even though he had to almost break my skull to notice me.

I had a crush on him but I was not popular and he was, if Monique (my cousin)wasn't with me I was alone or at the library I preferred it that way.

I loved watching him play I got butterflies and when we kissed the first time I felt my heart beat out of my chest.

I loved watching him play I got butterflies and when we kissed the first time I felt my heart beat out of my chest

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"Jersey Number 42"

I bought everything just to show him my support.

Everything was okay I guess his love wasn't enough, I should have understood that from the beginning.

He loved that I'd bend over backwards for him every match I was by his side screaming my lungs off.

My dad never liked him but he loved me so he supported me anyway, my sister was young so she didn't care.

My mom loved him because he was her best friend's son.

I gave him everything and it wasn't enough that was proof enough that we weren't meant to be, but I had given him too much of myself for it not to work.

His sister took her life because she was bullied he blamed me said I smothered him and he never got time with his sister if I wasn't needy he would know his sister needed him.

So I was to blame I couldn't understand what he meant we had dated for almost 2 years and it was the final year of high school we didn't even go to prom together because he didn't feel like it.

He got drunk a lot and was mean when drunk, he had a pool party one day his parents thought it would make him feel better how? Because they felt guilty...

I didn't want to wear a Bikini but he bought one for me and I wore it and wore a coverup on top I walked to him and I saw him whisper something to Nate my mind took time to register what he was planning, I was pushed in the deep end of the pool while he knew I couldn't swim.

Serendipitous Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now